fifty two

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A/N: SURPRISE UPDATE!! And Louis looks damn great in the gif I'm in love

You know when you're asleep, but you can feel someone next to you? But you're still asleep. You're still dreaming, your eyes are closed, but you know what's going on around you? I was like that tonight.

I fell asleep in the guest room, but I could feel someone on the bed with me. The way the bed dipped behind me, indicating someone was there. My senses were filled with a hint of cinnamon and Louis' cologne. It submerged me. Making me feel at ease knowing he was near me.

Louis must've sensed I was somewhat awake because he called out to me. "Alexis." He whispered. His voice soft. Like when you first wake up and just had a cup of water. Soft because you're not totally awake yet. Soft because your voice isn't warmed up. Soft like when you're whispering something.

I shifted, my body turning under the covers. Low whooshes heard as my clothes rubbed against the fabric. My eyes still closed, I faced Louis. "Open your eyes, love." He murmured.

I let out a low moan. My eyes slowly peeled open, squinting as my vision slowly cleared up. Louis was dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants. A beanie clinging onto his head. He looked like he just woke up as well.

I brought my hand to my face and wiped at my eyes. Wiping the sleep out of it. Louis' hand reached up to my cheek. His thumb brushing up and down it. He was very gentle, very calm. A smile spread across my face as I placed my hand on the spot next to me.

My heart skipped a beat as I felt something underneath it. Louis' journal. A flash of heat started at the base of my neck. If he sees this, he's going to fucking kill me.

"I'm sorry." He spoke. "I was oblivious to the fact that I said I didn't want to marry you."

I tried my hardest to keep that smile on my face, to reassure him it was okay. My mind racing of ways to get rid of it so he won't see it. Louis moved his hand from my cheek and placed it next to mine. Right. Next. To. The. Journal. My arm flinched ever so slightly that he didn't see it. Thankfully.

"I was just so wrapped up with David being a cop and so much other things. I didn't see my mistake as quickly as you did." He explained. My fingers tapping on the bed, unaware of what to do. "I was a ball of irritation and you just happened to be there when it all came out." He mumbled. "I haven't been thinking straight lately. It might have been all the pills I'm taking." He joked.

I sat up, my hand still on the journal. As he looked me in the eyes, my hand pushed the journal under the pillow. I exhaled, relieved. "But why would you even say that? If you weren't thinking and that just came out, doesn't that mean something? Wouldn't that be like drunken words?" I asked, wanting a specific answer as to why.

"I don't know!" Louis whisper-shouted. "Once you were mad at me, that's all I knew. I knew you were mad at me and I wanted to make it right. But instead of fixing it, I just fucked it up more." He said, frustrated.

I bit the inside of my bottom lip. "That really hurt, Louis." I whispered.

Louis and I were quiet for what felt like hours. Just sitting there. Eyes staring at each other for a brief moment before avoiding each other for another. The tension in the air thickened as the faint tick of the clock was heard.

I pulled Louis into a hug, pushing my feelings aside. I just wanted to feel him. Louis wrapped his arms around me, his head buried into my shoulder. "I missed you." I whispered absentmindedly, but I meant it.

I felt him smile against my skin. His lips touched my shoulder, placing a kiss on it. "I missed you too. Dinner wasn't as good without you there trying to make the girls at the other table jealous." He pulled back, a smug smile on his face.

I pushed my hair behind my ear. "Sorry I was such a bitch." I muttered. Louis shook his head. "It's okay, love." He whispered. "Both of us were bitches." He smiled.

I looked out the window, the moon was up and bright. "What time is it?" I asked Louis.

He pulled out his phone, turning it on, then placing it on the bed. "Five in the morning."

My eyes immediately widened. My jaw dropped. "Why did you wake me up at five in the morning?!" I practically screamed.

Louis looked shocked. His eyes widened before they went back to normal. His hand reached behind his head, scratching at it. Like guys normally do. "Well, when I came home you were asleep." He started.

"I called out your name, couldn't find you. I walked through the house and you weren't there. For a moment, I thought you were at your apartment. I was about to go to you but then I passed by this room and noticed the door was slightly open." He explained. "It is usually closed so I came in here and found you asleep."

"I sat outside in the living room and watched a few shows thinking you'd wake up. But you didn't, and I fell asleep." He chuckled. "Then I woke up and felt around for you, thinking we were in my bed, and when you weren't there, I came in here." He looked down, his cheeks getting red with embarrassment.

"I sat here for a few moments contemplating whether or not to wake you up." He rubbed his hand on the comforter. "Then I said "fuck it" and woke you up, because if I'm going to sleep, I want to fall asleep next to you." I smiled at his sweet yet amusing sentence. "But, of course, I had to apologize. So that's why the both of us are awake right now, love."

Every time Louis called me "love," my heart skipped a beat. I loved being called it, especially by Louis.

"So it's the twenty first, great, I still have presents to get and it's four days until Christmas." I laughed. Louis gestured me to go back to sleep. "Well, I can't go to sleep now." I waved my hands in the air.

"Why not?" Louis cocked his head to the side.

I got out of bed, grabbed my pants off the ground, which I took off before I fell asleep. I always sleep without pants, it's just more comfortable. "I'm not tired." I told him, about to walk out to the kitchen. "Might as well make breakfast."

Suddenly, Louis' arms wrapped around my waist. His mouth against my neck. "I can make you tired." He seductively whispered. His hot breath hitting my neck. His hands slowly crept lower and lower, teasing me.

Quickly, I turned around in Louis' arms. My chest against his. My hands on his arms. His hands placed right above my butt before he took advantage of it and went lower. Giving it a quick squeeze. "Maybe this time you can make me arch my back." I winked.

"Oh, it's on, baby." Louis rasped.

I bursted out of Louis' arms and took off running to his bedroom. I heard Louis chuckle before coming after me. "If it takes me more than four rounds to do so, then so be it. I'm ready for you, baby." Louis called after me.

I giggled as I jumped on his bed. Louis jumped in next to me. "Oh, it's on, baby." I mimicked. 


Surprise update! You guys have just been so good the past few days. You are great. You deserved an extra update. 

FYI: the next chapter won't have smut. I don't feel like writing it, I just wanted to make you know they are going to do it so I wrote that lol. Don't get your hopes up haha. 

I hope you liked this chapter!

For an update: 100 reads, 65 votes, 40 comments. 

have a great weekend!! 

love u cuties xx 

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