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"Alexis." I heard Louis' faint voice. "Alexis." I heard it once more, this time more loud and clear. "Alexis." My eyes shot open from Louis saying my name and shaking my shoulder.

"What?" I groaned and pulled the covers over my naked body. Naked body. My eyes darted down to scan my body making sure I was absolutely naked. I gasped and raised the covers more. I saw Louis' body next to mine. He was wearing his boxers.

Louis' hand came down on the little tent my arms made revealing my face. I looked at him with a confused and annoyed look as he had a serious one on his. "What?" I asked again.

"We didn't use a condom," he whispered, "nor did I pull out." His breathing slightly fastened, showing that he was worried. I inhaled a sharp breath and covered my mouth with my hands. "Shit." I cursed.

Louis threw himself on his back, making me bounce a little on the other side of the bed. He let out an exasperated sigh while tugging at his hair. I turned over on my side so I was facing him.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm on birth control." I widely smiled. Louis immediately stopped pulling on his hair, and I swear he stopped breathing. He slowly turned his head to me.

The moonlight lightly shining him, I could see every aspect of his face. From the the dip that was in the middle between two soft, plump lips to the tiny little hairs that made his eyelashes the beautiful things they were.

All of his beautiful features were quickly taken over by the scowl on his face. His lips were now pursed together while his eyebrows were furrowed and lightly arched at the ends. "Alexis." He spat my name, sending chills up my bare arms.

I shot him a quick smile before turning around again, finding myself into my previous position before being woken up. I felt his hand creep up on my arm and in a blink of an eye I was turned, facing him again. "Don't you joke around with me like that." He growled. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me, as well." He threateningly whispered. I looked over at the clock on my bedside table. 2:03 AM.

"I think it's a little too early to be arguing right now, don't you think Louis?" I made a snarky remark. Louis stared at me for a few seconds before I heard him mumble a 'whatever.'

He shifted away from me and I expected him to lie back down in bed, but he didn't. He sat up, exposing his slightly toned back to me. A few scratch marks were visible. I bit my lip to hide the smile that crept on my face.

He started scuffling around with his hand on the floor, searching for something. In a second, he was pulling on his pants. Buttoning and zipping it. "Are you leaving?" I sat up, covering my chest with the sheets.

"Yes." He said coldly.

I reached down and found one of my sleeping t-shirts and threw it on before I stood up from the bed. I walked over to him. He was looking down while he was getting dressed. His hair falling down, away from his face. Shielding his eyes from me. "What is this? A one night stand?" I crossed my arms in front of me, my tone of voice having an attitude.

He threw on his shirt, his shirt flattening his hair as it pressed against his head. He combed his fingers through his hair before looking at me. "I don't sleep with people." He whispered. His voice was soft and distant. "It's not my thing." He said again before walking out of the room.

I stood in my spot for a few seconds before rushing out my bedroom door to find him, but he was already closing the door behind him. I heard a click from a closed door as I opened mine. I went back to bed.


I was working the two out of the five shoots I agreed too. It's already midday and Louis isn't here. "Hey David." I called out to my new, found friend. He was sitting on the couch behind me, typing on his phone.

"What's up?" He asked, not looking up from his screen.

"Louis not here today?" I casually asked. He's been telling me a few stories about Louis from before that the topic of him isn't suspicious to him at all.

David lowered his phone and looked up at me through the mirror. "You didn't hear?" He asked, I shook my head. "He's talking with boss man today."


"You're suspended for the next few shoots." He told me. He as in my boss; Tom Jones.

"Come on, Tom!" I threw my hands in the air, not agreeing with his 'punishment' for my 'reckless behavior.'

Tom slammed his hand on the table, making a loud thud. "Damn it, Tomlinson!" He yelled, "I'm tired of your shit attitude. I get that you're young and all but this is your damn job. Start acting professional, as it is in your job. Professional model." He stated.

"No!" I yelled, standing to my feet. "I made one fuck up, ONE, and I'm getting suspended for a few shoots? That's how I make money, Tom! I need to pay my bills, buy food, wash my clothes, buy new clothes-"

"Don't call me 'Tom.'" He rose to his feet as well, leaning on his hands that were balled up on the table. "I'm your boss and you address me by my proper name." I stared at him, his eyes tested mine.

"Mr. Jones," I snarled, "You will not suspend me. This is all I have, for fucks sake!" I waved my hands in the air once more.

"If this is all you have, then I suggest you shape up. Or else it will be taken from you." He said as he sat back down into his seat. "You may leave now." He dismissed me.

I muttered a few curse words under my breath as I walked up and flicked him off over my shoulder. I don't know if he saw it or not and I really don't care. I walked out of the office and into the elevator. My nerves were all over the place.

I started breathing faster, the anger inside me building up. I clenched my hands at my sides. Heat rising up my neck and behind my ears, I started to sweat. I looked around the elevator and noticed I was alone. I opened my mouth to take a deep breath but instead a loud, angry yell came out my mouth.

I repeatedly punched the elevator walls as I was yelling. I was yelling at my boss, yelling at the receptionist who treated me poorly, yelling at the photographers who think they can boss me around, yelling at the stylists for putting me into shitty clothes, yelling at Alexis for being so stubborn all the time, but mostly I was yelling at myself.

I calmed myself before I reached the ground floor. Pushing past the slow elevator doors, I was eager to step outside, to step outside and breath fresh air instead of the recycled air in that damn building. I ran my fingers through my hair and connecting them at the back of my head before resting it there.

I took a deep breath, turning side to side as people were rushing past me. Everyone's in their own world, no one seeing or taking notice of the people beside them. I reached down and pulled out my phone. I quickly texted one of my buddy's out of habit.

To: Jesse Turner 12:51pm
I need some.


Hellooo! I'm sorry this took a while to update (a few hours late haha) I wrote half of it and stopped and had a bit trouble finishing it. I've been having writers block this week, if you read Temporary Fix you can tell because I haven't updated yet but I will try tomorrow!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) it was kind of a filler but oh well.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Have a great weekend lovelies!

love u cuties xx

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