thirty six

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Louis' hand was lazily rubbing my neck. My hair, underneath his moving palm, was tickling my back. My lips were turning up into small smile when I heard his raspy voice. "Why are you smiling, love?" He asked.

His voice just makes me swoon. It may have something to do with the fact that he has an accent or it's the way his voice just sounds. Either way, it's so nice. There isn't a correct word to explain how it sounds. Sometimes it's soft and sweet and it makes you feel at ease. Other days it's raspy and gruff that it makes you all hot and bothered, even when he's being an asshole.

"It tickles when you're moving your hand." I spoke softly. My voice was tired from our previous... actions. Slowly, Louis' hand came to a stop. It laid between my shoulder blades. The spot where most people would rub when you hug. I felt my facial expressions drop involuntarily from the lack of touch that I was getting before.

I lifted my head and placed my chin on his chest. My chin resting on his 78 tattoo, right above it his 'it is what it is' tattoo. I've always adored this tattoo of his, but it makes me wonder why would he get it so big and across his chest like this. I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Don't tell me you're upset because I stopped rubbing your back." He deeply chuckled.

I looked up at him. His cheeks, shaven and all, showed slight indentions. This was only visible when he shaved. His eyes had light, dark circles underneath them but they weren't as bad as before. His eyes were a soft shade of blue. You could see he was tired but behind the tiredness was something burning. A slow burn. Not the usual flickering that are usually there. This was slow and calm, something I rarely see. His hair was messy. It was still up, but it stuck up in different places. The sides were shaved into a slight fade and I loved running my hands through it. I loved the feeling of his hair in my hand. It was always so soft and soothing to touch. It was my favorite hair to work with. 

I raised my hand to stroke it and Louis closed his eyes in relaxation. "What time is it?" I asked quietly. Louis didn't speak, instead he raised his hand and pointed towards the entertainment center that held the television set and clock beside it. It read 5:35. My hand froze.

"Shit." I cursed, quickly sitting up and looking around for my dress. Louis followed my actions. "Why are we in a rush?" He asked while holding the hotel bed's blanket over his nakedness. I looked around, not finding my dress anywhere, I asked, "Did you do something with my dress?"

Louis looked around him. His hand still covering his front part but when he turned around his bare ass faced me. I couldn't help myself but lean over and give it a quick pat. He quickly turned around and gave me a seductive eye. "Do you really wanna go another round, babe?" His hand quickly reached out and gave my boob a squeeze. I jerked back and covered my breasts with my hands before walking over to the bathroom door where my dress was.

I quickly pulled it on, jumped in front of the mirror and tried to tame by sex hair. "Seriously, why are you in a rush?" He asked coming behind me. He started combing his hair with his fingers, trying to get it back into the small lift. Flashbacks of me styling his hair, like when we first met, styling it up just like that. "It's 5:35. I've been gone two hours." I responded while pulling up my underwear.

"Shit, we've been fucking for two hours?" Louis looked pleased with himself.

I rolled my eyes at his boyishness. I rushed into the bathroom and quickly touched up my makeup as much as I could. "If it's been two hours and you haven't been gotten a call or text about where you are, then you're fine, Alexis. Stay a little more." He told me.

Shaking my head, I came out of the bathroom and stood beside the main door. "I really got to go. These two are good friends of mine and I'd hate to miss most of their reception. Get dressed and meet me there. I'll see you." I said in a rush before shuffling out the door.

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