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A/N: I feel like this is poorly written because I just really wanted to update since I haven't updated in two weeks, so I apologize if it's not that great.

It was quiet the whole car ride. I was driving and Louis was in the passenger seat. I offered to take him somewhere to take his mind off of everything and he nodded his head and mumbled an okay.

He was wearing dark gray joggers, a black t-shirt, black vans, and his hair was combed up and over his head. Showing his forehead. He was twiddling his thumbs when I glanced over at him. His hands in his lap and his eyes were staring out the window.

"What's your favorite radio station?" I broke the silence. From the corner of my eyes I saw Louis slowly turn his head to me.

"I'm not sure. I don't really listen to the radio." He answered. "I usually play music from my phone."

I reached my hand into the compartment beneath my radio and pulled out the aux cord. "Play something." I offered it to him, not taking my eyes off the road.

Louis gladly took it from my hand and quickly plugged it into his phone. His fingers quickly tapped and slid away on his phone, anxiously looking for a song to play.

"Here we go." I heard a hint of excitement in his voice as the intro of a song started to play.

As words started to flow from my speakers I knew what song was playing. A chorus of "oh's" escaped my lips. "I know this song!" I happily said. "Firestone by Kygo!" I yelled and laughed.

"Yes," Louis confirmed, "but it's the acoustic version." I rolled my eyes at him.


I pulled into the mall's parking lot and told Louis to get out so I could lock the doors. "What the hell are we doing here?" Louis' voice suddenly got bitter.

I looked over at him and saw that his eyebrows were now knitted together, his lips pursed into a fine line, with a hand in his pocket.

"I need to find a dress and you need to get your mind off of shit." I shrugged my shoulders and shut my door.

He groaned and slammed the door harder than it needed to be. I quickly turned around and pointed my finger to his chest. "Hey." I scolded, "Just because you have the money to buy new cars every other week doesn't give you the right to hurt my baby."

He started laughing at me. "Your 'baby'?" He laughed harder. "Is it because I slammed the door a bit too hard?" His accent was thicker now and I hung onto every word that he said.

"Yes, my car is my baby." A smile played on my lips as I gently ran my hand over the hood of my car. "This is the first thing that I bought with my own money and I will cherish this car as long as it's still running so I won't have you be slamming my babys doors just because you are upset." I turned around and walked towards the door.

"Come on, Tomlinson." I motioned for him to catch up but he just rolled his eyes at me.

Louis was in a bad mood while we walked through the mall. When I asked if he wanted to go into this store or that store a bitter 'no' came out of his mouth.

As we approached one of my favorite dress stores, I didn't bother to ask him if he wanted to go in there. I grabbed him by the wrist and bolted in there without giving him a second to think about what was going on.

"What the fuck are we doing in here?" He muttered behind me as he saw the dresses that were hung in the store. Dresses were hung on the walls, on pillars, on racks, and a few from shelves.

"There is a chair over there," I pointed across the store, "I'm going to try on a few stuff then we can leave." I smiled and started to walk away but he stopped me.

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