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Alexis POV

It was in the middle of the day when I got a call from Louis. "Hey, Alex." One of the other stylists called out to me. I turned on my heel, a comb in one hand and a spray bottle in the other.

"What's up?" I cock my head to side, showing curiosity.

I saw her pick and my phone and slightly wave it before tossing it to me, "You have missed calls from someone." I didn't expect her to throw my phone, because who in the world throws a damn phone?

Without thinking, I dropped the utensils in my hands and caught my phone. Sighing as it lay safe in my hands. "Please don't do that." I laughed a bit.

I turned to the guy who was sitting in my chair and quickly ran my fingers through his hair as a make-shift comb. "There you go, buddy." I smiled before walking away and yelling 'I'll be back' behind me.

Unlocking my phone, I was shocked to see that I actually did have missed calls. It was from Louis. After what happened back in my apartment, I didn't feel too comfortable calling him back. I bit on my button lip, considering if I should call him.

As I was about to shut the screen off, in decision that I wasn't going to call him back, my phone started vibrating. Louis was calling, again.

I was hesitant on answering it. Staring at the words that read 'The Model.' My thumb hovered above the answer button on the screen, slowly I pressed and slid it.

I brought the phone to my ear and pressed my eyes together in a way of embarrassment. "Hello?" I squeaked.

"Alexis." His low, impatient voice rang through the phone. "I've been calling you. Why haven't you been answering?" He quickly asked.

"I-" I started to speak, going to say that I wasn't near my phone, but he interrupted me.

"Are you embarrassed about what happened that night?" He suddenly sounded so arrogant, like the Louis Tomlinson I've come to know. "Don't worry, love. You have nothing to be embarrassed about." I could just hear the smirk that he has on his face as he spoke those words.

I rolled my eyes before answering, "What do you want? I'm at work." I ignored his comment.

The line went quiet for a few seconds. All I was able to hear was the faint exhale that escaped his mouth. I heard him sharply inhale, "I need your help." He whispered.

I knitted my eyebrows together, wondering why he needed me. Then it clicked. I told him that I would help him that night in my bed. "Now?" I whispered back.

"Yes," he exhaled, "I texted a buddy of mine without thinking and he came over and dropped it off. Now I don't know what to do with it." Louis' voice sounded so troubled, meaning every word.

I didn't hesitate on answering. I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to help him. "I'll be right there, text me your address." I quickly said before hanging up, not waiting on an answer.

I walked back into the styling room, I didn't notice I walked so far away from it, and told the other girl in the room that I had to go and that I was very sorry for bailing on her like this. She said it was okay because they're almost done anyways.

I smiled at her and gathered my things, throwing my purse onto my shoulder while frantically looking for my keys in it. For some reason, I felt some sort of responsibility over helping Louis. I felt like I was obligated into looking out for him, and running to his aid when he needed me. This is what I'd be feeling if it were my brothers.

I drove a tad bit over the speed limit, but it was okay, everyone does it here and then. Once I pulled up into his massive driveway that led to his gorgeous house, I threw open my door and stood up. Gawking at the sight of such a beautiful house. "Shit." I said to myself.

The ding from my new text message snapped me out of my trance. It was from Louis; he said the door is unlocked. I took a deep breath before I walked up to the door, and took another one before I pushed it open. As the door slowly slid open, the faint smell of cigarettes and cologne filled my nose.

I didn't waste much time looking at the interior of his house because I was pretty sure it was just as gorgeous as the outside. I walked down the hallway and peaked into the rooms that went along it. Finally, I saw Louis sitting at his dining table.

He had on a grey t-shirt with black basketball shorts. The sleeves of his shirt were folded up a few times, showing the faint outline of his biceps. His hands were clasped together on his lap, as if he was forcing them to stay there. His right foot was on top of his left, like when a little kid would get nervous and play with his feet.

On the table lay his phone, a few inches away from the edge. And in front of that were three white powder lines, a rolled up bill, and an empty bag. Unaware that I was holding my breath, I let out a shaky one which Louis heard. He snapped his head to my direction.

His eyes were wide and agitated, looking at me then back at the table. He tilted his head down toward his lap before speaking. "I've been sitting here staring at it for four hours." He mumbled. "Guess you can say I'm pretty strong for holding out this long, huh?" He laughed, trying to lighten the evident tension in the room.

I walked over to him, a small smile playing on my lips. "You did absolutely great, babe." I slid into the seat next to him. His eyes perked up once I said 'babe.'

"'Babe' huh?" Louis smirked at me. I rolled my eyes as I carefully laid my hand on the table. "I'm proud of you, Louis. You had the strength many people do not have. Let me get rid of this." I comfortingly rubbed his arm before standing up.

I walked over to the sink and wet a paper towel and squeezed it, leaving it damp. I walked back over to Louis whose eyes never left mine. I offered a small, sympathetic smile before opening my mouth to ask a question.

"I'm staring at you because if I look at what's in front of me.. who knows." He said as if he read my mind. "Plus, you're not too bad on the eyes." He winked at me.

"Shut up." I scoffed playfully. I leaned over the table, putting my weight on my left hand, to wipe the powder substance. In a seconds notice, Louis quickly stood up, making his chair screech, and grabbed my arm.

He pulled me back, away from the table, and to the kitchen counter where my lower back now rested. "Don't." He growled at me with wide eyes.



The amount of support, wonderful feedback, and comments that this story gets is surreal (for me). Thank you, thank you, thank you!

This is one of my first fics to write (besides Temporary Fix bc I'm writing both at the same time lol) and it is so amazing to have all you lovely people to actually take the time and read this. Thank you so much!

Also thank you for 5.4k reads! Holy cow! I would've never thought this would've surpass 1k reads.

I do apologize for this chapter, it was sort of a filler. School has been really crazy and I wrote this as soon as I came home haha.

But enjoy, nonetheless!

Don't forget to vote & comment :)

Have a great weekend!

love u cuties xx

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