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"Close your mind's young padawans."

I sat cross legged with my eyes closed on the stone floor amidst my fellow padawan learners as master Skywalker glided across the meditation room.

"Let your thoughts dwell on the living force and then you will see. The past, the present, the future. Clear your minds of all distractions." His voice was merely a purr as his soft feet pattered around and in between us before resting before us and coming to a halt.

I closed my eyes and let Master Skywalker's words wash over me. My mind began to clear and the fog began to lift.

I saw a valley, filled with trees and at the end of the valley a village, peaceful with calm, happy civilians walking around with smiles on there faces, children laughing with glee and delight, animals roaming free throughout the land, but something was amiss and as i looked closer i could see darkness, darkness spreading like a thick blanket of must devoting all in reach until it had destroyed even the purest of minds in evil. The darkness spread until nothing was to be seen except black. Black emptiness. I fell fear, sorrow and death, heard the wails of pain and suffering.

Then i saw a man. A man in a mask, with a triple bladed sith light saber.

I opened my eyes with a jolt and master Skywalker was looking at me with great concern.

"I fear much pain is coming. Loss and grief," he spoke quietly. "Siena," he addressed me. "Come, we must speak of your vision in more detail."

Thanks for reading =D
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