chapter 8

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The resistance was a small organization. Small, but strong.

I was taken to general Leia upon my arrival. I avoided eye contact with her, there was just too much Ben in her eyes. Thankfully she didn't know who i was, i guess Ben never got the change to tell his family about me or his time with the jedi.

She smiled warmly and dismissed my avoidance of her as nerves.

I felt guilty.

Something inside me still thought that i could of saved him, that, in a way, it was my fault he turned evil.

No! I scolded myself, i couldn't think like that, it would just make things worse. I needed to think up a plan to save Ben.

It occurred to me that i should probably tell Leia about my plans, but then again, that would just reopen old wounds that had finely healed, no. I though to myself. I was on my own this time round.

I worked for the resistance 6 months before i finely met someone willing to help.

I'd always sit on the library amidst a pillow fort thinking up plans when ever training was over and i wasn't needing. That's where i met Poe. He was a pilot for the resistance. We'd often sit together and he's tell me of his many adventures around the galaxy, and, in return i told him about be and he offered his help which i gladly accepted. He understood where i was coming from, though he warned me that he couldn't promise anything. He had fascinating stories and we were soon fast friends.

Then one day he had to leave. He said he had to fly to some planet to pick up his droid that had some important data with it, i was sad to see him go but wished him well, he said he would be back soon but i had a bad feeling about his mission. I somehow knew that he's hit some trouble along the way, and somehow i knew that that trouble would come in the form of Ben.

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