chapter 29

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The days went on, much the same as each other, and living on the planet of earth we decided to do what the other couples on earth would do. Ben took me out of heaps of dates, he taught me to ice skate and pushed me on the swings at various parks always supplying me with everything i needed.

"Siena," he came behind me where i sat reading some fan fictions from this website called Wattpad i found on this thing called the internet.

"Yeah," i looked up at him smiling.

"I want to take you out somewhere, after it is our two year anniversary."

I laughed. "Okay, what should i wear?"

"Something casual," he smiled leaning over to softly place his lips on my forehead. "Be ready in 30 minutes my princess."

I grinned, kissing him on the cheek as i stood up. "As you wish, my prince."

I walked to our room and changed into a light blue dress that hung down to just above the knee. It had straps for sleeves and fitted my figure well. With it i put the heart necklace that Ben had given me so long ago.

"Ready?" I asked as i walked into the living room.

Ben had cleaned himself up and was not wearing a white shirt with dark blue jeans.
"You look beautiful," he said, taking my hand in his.

He lead me outside where our car was awaiting, he tock the drivers seat and i sat in the passengers seat.
"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," he reply with a slight smirk on his face.
We drove past trees and along the lake until we had apparently reached our destination.

I raised one eyebrow. "Where are we Ben?"

"Well," he began trying to sound official. "To our right is the grand lake Taupo and to our left is... Some forest that i do not know the name of."

I rolled my eyes, "this had better be good Solo."

"Oh it will be," he smirked getting out the car as i opened my own door. "It'll be great." He offered his arm to me. "If you'll come with me my lady."

I laughed. "Forever the charmer."

"Of course."

He lead me to a path that lay deep within the forest.
"i must ask again, where are we?" I asked growing slightly concerned at how dark it was getting.

"Shhh, wait, you'll see," he brought his arm around my shoulder. "Surely you're not scared of a little bit of darkness?"


We walked for quite some time and i was getting tired. When ever i looked at Ben he was staring at me with a wide grin on his face.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him.

"You," he responded simply. "You're beautiful."

I blushed.

"And we're here," he spread his arm out to reveal our final destination.

It was a clearing in the middle of the woods, the sound of falling water could be heard and i looked around to see a fast falling waterfall going down into a silvery stream.
I giggled, "this is beautiful, Ben."

"And look," he pointed and i followed his finger to see a carefully laid of picnic. "Our dinner."

I laughed, "you're too good to me, Ben."

He smiled leading me towards the food. I went to sign down but he stopped me.

"Before we eat i have a question to ask you," he said.

"What?" I asked a grin on m face.

He stood in front o me his hands on my shoulders.

"For as long as i can remember you've been there for me. From the moment i first joined the Jedi as a kid and from the moment i left them you never left my side," he began. "You were the one who came for me and showed me who i could be. A you healed me and brought me home. You've always been there for me, and i want to always be there for you. I don't want there to bad a single day when i don't wake up to see your face and fall asleep in your arms."

I felt my eyes tearing up and he smiled.

"I love you Siena Grace, there's not a single thing i would change about you, except maybe your last name."

He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. "So, Siena Grace, would you give me the pleasure of becoming Siena Solo and being my wife?"

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