Chapter 31

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We drove home together as happy as anyone could be, my hand in his the whole way.

We ha just rounded the final corner when the smell if smoke reached us.

"Whats that?" I wondered out loud.

"It smells like fire."

We looked towards the source of the smell and Bens hand tightened on mine.

Our house lay burned on the ground, all our belongings ruined.

"Who could of done this?" I whispered, climbing out of the car and making my way towards what used to me our house.

Bens arm wrapped protectively around my waist. "Snoke," he said. "We have to get out of here Siena."

"But, Ben," i protested.

"We have to go, now."

He walked through the rumble a and found our light sabers. Handing mine to me he took my hand. "Come on."

He lead me to the car and we heard gunshots sound. "There they are," we heard the metallic voice of a clone.

"Run!" Yelled Ben as we race away dodging the raining bullets.

We got about 20 metres before we were stopped by a deformed figure.

"Snoke," Ben hissed through his teeth.


"That's not my name," Ben glared.

"I always knew you were weak," Snoke spat at him. "A coward."

"Don't listen to him, Ben," i whispered.

"Did you really think you could escape from me? I'll always find you. Where ever you run I'll find you."

"Why cant you just leave us alone?" I yelled. "What have we done to you?"

"I gave you everything you could ever want," Snoke snapped to Ben, completely ignoring me. "Why did you leave?"

"All i wanted was my family and Siena! Yet you took them away from me!"

"I gave you freedom! I gave you power!"

"And i don't want it anymore!" Ben screamed. "I'm not your puppet!"

"Then you shall die," Snoke stated coldly drawing his deadly red blade.

"So be it," Ben muttered darkly, pushing me behind him and drawing his Jedi light saber.

Then the fight began.

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