Chapter 21

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Aside from the occasional clone coming in to give me food and water, i was left alone for the rest of the day.

The taste of bens lips remained in my mouth as my mind kept replying his kiss.

It quite late at nigh when Ben returned. He was still wearing his casual clothes.
"Didn't you have to train?" I nodded towards his clothes.

He shrugged. "I changed. Something tells me your not particularly fond of my armor. Or my helmet for that matter."

"It changes your voice." I stated. "I like your voice better without the helmet."
"You like my voice?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Now don't get cocky," i commanded. "I was just stated why i don't like your helmet. And it hides your face."

He rolled his eyes. "Because of course the world cant live without my gorgeous face."

"Shut up, Ben," i sighed, but it was good to see him joking around, i didn't really mind his arrogant attitude. "Come here," i ordered.

He walked over and kneeled on the floor before where u sat on the bed inspecting his face. I noticed a scar running diagonally across his face.

"How did i not notice this," i muttered more to myself then to him as my fingers traced the tender skin.

"Maybe you were just to infatuated by my gorgeous eyes."

I scoffed. "As if. How did you get this?"

His eyes darkened. "Well your little friend Ray decided to slash my face with my uncles light saber."

I rolled my eyes. "You reserved that," i muttered.
"How!" He yelled standing up in an instant and causing me to jump. "How did i deserve that?"

"Need i remind you?" I snapped.

He glared at me darkly. "Fine," he spat before leaving me again alone in the room.


Our little Ben has some serious anger issues.... I watched episode 7 again today lol. And this time in 3D, so Ben's gorgeous face just popped out at me haha. Hope you all have a good Christmas tomorrow!


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