chapter 41

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The fleet set out across the galaxy to the space station in tight formation.
There were 8 ships. Two small ones containing the crew who would entered the space station and 4 larger ones that contained the army. As we got closer the two smaller ships, one on which i was nervously standing inside split off from the group and flew towards our entrances.

My group flew to the south side where we waited in hiding until the other ship from the north side had entered and disabled the shields.

The resistance army landed there ships on the surface of the planet, far enough to draw the clones away from the base yet close enough to be seen.

We saw them landing, as did the clones.

The guards that were guarding out entrance alerted those in higher class and were commanded to fight the trespassers.

The clones stormed out of the base in perfect formation as the marched towards the threat. There were so many of them. Hundreds of shining white armored bodies walking across the planet.

When the last one had left the base we came out of hiding and creeping slowly we entered the base.

We talked in hushed tones, our commander, Poe, gave us our orders and we crept along in silence.

The base was huge. Huge yet dull. It was the type of place where if you'd seen one part of it you'd seen it all. Every inch of it was metal, metal corridors painted grey, metal doors, mostly closed and locked shut. There were lights of the ceiling, though even those were dull, barely even emitting enough light.
"Through this corridor is the control block," Poe whispered. "There will be guards. When we get in we need to unlock the door to allow the other group to enter."

We nodded and i saw Poe creep over to me. "Siena, if you're leaving you have to go now."

I nodded.

"Good luck," he whispered and smiled the best i could.

"Tell Ben i love him," i whispered.

"When you come back you can tell him that yourself," he insisted.

I nodded before slipping away from the group. The forces would show me where to find them, that much i knew.

I walked past endless corridors and through metal doors until i was stopped.

"Going somewhere?" A metallic voice asked.

I knew that voice all to well. I turned round, my face empty of emotion to greet the new Kylo Ren.

As you can probably tell fight scenes are not my strong point so i apologize in advance for the next couple of chapters. Sorry this update was late, I've been slighting busy, and thanks so much for 80k reads!! You guys are awesome and thanks so much for all the comments you guys make my day haha =D


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