chapter 19

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We flew with haste to corusant, arriving barely in time to warn the people of the oncoming attack and await Kylo Ren.

He came to the planet of corusant with his large army of clones yet for the first time there was not a victory for the soldiers of the first order. Corusant was ready.

All who could no fight had evacuated to places where they could be safe, yet those who could, fought.

And they fought strongly. Kylo and his forces were overwhelmed and forced into retreat but as they did so i saw Kylos eyes connect with mine.

He said nothing and slowly walked towards me. "You warned them."

It was more of a statement then a question. I nodded.

He said nothing. Just stared at me from under his dark mask.

"Ben, please," i whimpered. "Let me see your face."

He sighed but obeyed my wishes, removing his mask to show his face, pale, his eyes red and his hair unkept.

His eyes hell so much emotion. Regret, torment, sorrow, anger, loss.

"Siena," his voice cracked on my name. "Let me hold you."

I nodded pulling him towards me, my hands wrapping around his waist and my head resting on his shoulder. "Come home Ben," i whispered into his ear.

As his arms wrapped around me and his head rested on mine i thought for a second that i had him. That is until he knocked me unconscious and carried me on board if his deadly ship, leaving Poe behind.

To Love the Enemy (Ben Solo / Kylo Ren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now