Chapter 25

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Ben let me out of my locked room and gave me a new room just next to his. It was a bigger room then my old one but not too big. The walls were a light blue colour. I smiled, glad that Ben had remembered my favorite colour after all this time. He gave me my light saber back and i kept it tucked in my belt. I was allowed out of my room, but i chose not to go out much, the hundreds of clone troopers and generals walking around freaked me out. I stayed in either mine or Bens room and whenever he wasn't training or killing Innocent people (which i constantly scolded him for) he came and sat with me. We'd laugh and talk and play, pillow fights and tickle matches were what we did most though Ben always seemed to win, he knew all my weaknesses and was determined to use them against me when it came to hitting me with a pillow.

Everyday i felt the light in Ben grow stronger, and so did he. He gave up trying to fight it and would often snuggle up close with me talking about possible ways he could redeem himself. I told him that Leia would welcome him home with open arms but he could not shake the guilt. He thought himself a monster for killing Hus own father, i tried to tell him that it wasn't him, it was kylo ren, a monster wearing his face that murdered his father but he wouldn't hear any of it. Ben had ordered all attacks on various planets to stop and the new weapon that was being build was left unattended. But Snoke was onto us. He knew what we were doing and he knew that we had to be killed for his evil plan to proceed. I tried to tell Ben that he'd be safe with the resistance but we both knew that they would never trust him. So we decided to run. Far far away in the hope to outrun Snoke.

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