Chapter 47

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I awoke to a heavy weight on my arm, opening my eyes with a soft sigh I saw a head of messy dark hair resting, fast asleep on my arm.

I laughed silently to myself as my hand reached over to comb through his hair.

"Ben, wake up," I murmured softly as he began to stir, his head burrowing more deeply into my arm.

He turned his head around to face me and smiled slightly.

"Morning gorgeous," I laughed.

"More like afternoon," he yawned and sat up. "You were asleep for hours."

I frowned. "I told someone to wake me up."

"You needed sleep," he shrugged and his hand cupper my face. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. Smoke?"

"Dead," he stated coldly. "That Gun Gun too."

I nodded. "The first order?"

He shrugged. "Mostly gone. Theres a couple remaining but they're hardly a threat. Without no one to lead them a couple of clone troopers can't do much. Most of them were unwilling anyway. They would of gone home by now."

I nodded. "You okay?"

He smiled down at me. "I'm fine, Siena."

I nodded before pulling myself up in a sitting position and leaning my head against Ben's chest. His arms wrapped around me and his hands rubbed circles on my back.

"Is Poe okay?"

"He's fine," Ben murmured. "Wants to see you. I said he could come in when you're ready."

"What do we do now?" I asked, my voice just at a whisper.

"Well," I could almost sense his smirk. "There's a wedding we need to attend. A wedding which is strictly illegal but who cares we're going though with it what ever Luke has to say-"

"Oh my god! I didn't even think of that!" I interrupted him pushing him away to look at him.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "What? You don't want to marry someone as gorgeous as myself?"

"No! Not that! Of course I want to marry you! Its Luke!" I exclaimed. "Luke's gonna kill us! I'm a Jedi you know!"

He shrugged. "And I'm a mass murderer. The most feared man in the galaxy. We can sort this out."

I looked at him for a second. "If you're suggesting that we kill Luke then maybe I won't marry you."

He laughed, "No! Not that!" He smirked kissing me softly on the forehead. "I'll talk to Luke, he can hardly say no. Remember Myra Jade? He'd be a hypocrite if he kicked you out for marrying me."

"Yeah but he never married her," I protested.

"No," Ben roller his eyes. "He only had a kid with her. Nothing to drastic."

I laughed. "Okay. You have a good point but I am not the one talking to him about it. And since when did Luke have a kid?"

"She trained with us for a bit, well, not really trained she was only like, two. Luke sent her away when she was four. Not sure where. Rumour says she's in Jakku. And I'll talk to Luke."

"Oh," I frowned, trying to remember Luke's kid. But there were a lot of people where we trained, I mainly stuck to Ben and never really talked to anyone. "Wait," I suddenly realized something. "Did you say Jakku?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Ben! Jakku!" I exclaimed.

He looked at me slightly confused. "What about it?"

"You know who's from Jakku?"

He frowned. "Who?"

I sighed, "you are hopeless."

"How am I hopeless!" He defended himself.

"Rey! She's from Jakku! Her family left her there as a small child and promised to come back! She's been waiting for them ever since!"

"That is extreamily far fetched, Siena. Wouldn't Luke of recognized her?"

"Not nesseseraly! That was like.... Fifteen years ago! What was Luke's kids name?"

Ben shrugged. "I can't remember what her name was, I could ask Luke for you? But seriously. Luke's not an idiot. If Rey were his kid he'd know."

"Maybe he does know," I stated. "Maybe he's just too scared to tell her."

Ben sighed and shook his head, evidently not buying it. "Maybe. Don't worry about it, Siena."

I just shrugged and looked up at him. "I'm so glad you're home," I stated, changing the subject.

"So am I," he traced the outline of my face with his fingers. "And I'm never goimg to leave again. I promise."

I smiled pulling his head down to kiss him. "Even if you did," I whispered against his mouth. "I'd give to world to get you back again."

"You won't have to," he whispered before his lips were pressed against my own.

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