chapter 40

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The attack on the base was the very next day.

Ben stayed at the resistance base with a couple others as he was still recovering.

"Siena," he said just as i was about to leave. "Make sure you don't get hurt."

I smiled and hugged him tightly. "Ill try."

"Promise me you'll come home," he held my face in his hands.

"I will Ben," i smiled. "I promise."

"You better," he kissed my forehead. "I still need to marry you, you know."

I laughed. "Of course. And by the way, Poe wants to be our best man."

Ben made a face. "What? That annoying pilot who refused to give me information about the bb8 droid?"

"Shut up," i flicked him forehead. "Be nice."

He rolled his eyes.

"And Reys gonna be our bridesmaid."

"No! No! Definitely not!" He denied.

I laughed. "You only don't like her because he beat you in a light saber duel. Get over it!"

"Fine," he glared. "But I'm choosing the others."

"Sorry to be the one to break this to you Ben, but I'm kind of your only friend...."

He pouted. "I've got Chewie?"

I laughed. "Of course, you've got chewie."

I leaned forwards and brushed my lips against his. "I have to go now Ben."

He nodded. "Make sure you come back."

"I will Ben, i love you." I walked towards the door but didn't get far before hands pulled my waist band and Ben forcefully pushed his lips against mine his hands in my hair.

Smiled against his mouth as his other hand drew circles on my back.

"You better come back," he whispered as we broke away.
"I will Ben. I promise."

"Good," he growled and his lips were on mine again as he shoved me back into the wall, his tongue entering my mouth.

"Um, Siena?" A voice sounded from the doorway and i pushed Ben away to see a blushing Poe. "Not meaning to interrupt but we're leaving in two minutes."

"Oh, yes, okay," i stammered my ace heating i a blush.

Ben smirked at me. "You better come back for more of that," he winked.

I kissed him on the cheek and left with Poe to where the resistance was assembled.

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