chapter 35

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"The first order are here."
I gasped in fear.

"But how?" Leia asked. "How do they know we're here?!"

"Oh no," i groaned putting my head in my hands. "They must of been tracking our ship!"

Suddenly a loud bang crashed through the air.

"Sound the alarm! We need to evacuate the base!" Leia commanded. "Siena make site Ben gets out."

I nodded as she hurried out. Some doctors came and placed Ben on a stretcher, pushing him out the door, i hurried after them.

"Where are you taking him?" I asked.

"To the main ship," they said. "We'll get you out on that as well."

I nodded.

We reached the main air craft platform where hundreds of rebel pilots were running to there ships.

"Are they going to fight back?" I asked the doctors.

"No," they said. "We're no match for the first order. We need to flee, create a plan, and then attack. "

I nodded and suddenly became aware of how fearful i really was. Not just for Ben and i, but for the resistance, and all the other innocent people and planets the first order would steal.

"Are we taking off?" I asked the pilot as i watched all the other ships fly into space.

"Not yet," he replied. "We cant leave without the general."

I nodded as i looked down to see the base shaking. Stormtroopers were coming.

Along with the new Kylo Ren.

"We can't wait much longer," someone said. "We have to leave."

My eyes were fixed of Kylo, as my hand held Ben's.

Then i saw Leia. She was running towards us, occasionally spinning round to shoot at the clones.

The. Kylo walked towards her.

"But i thought he-" someone said whilst looking frantically from Ben to the new sith lord.

Kylo walked to Leia as she stood, frozen, staring up at him.

"Leia run!" Her eyes snapped to mine as she ran to our ship. But Kylo got there first, and with one sweeping movement his red blade had stabbed through her heart.

"NO!" I heard Ben cry. "Mum no!"

The doctors ran to her and borough her on board the ship as we took off and went into light speed.

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