chapter 28

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Training proved eventful. Ben was a frustrating person to train. He was extremely stubborn and the day would often turn out with him teaching me more than me teaching him. Physically, he was stronger than me. Mentally, he was smarter than me, so training him really put a damper to my self esteem. But one thing that i held my own in was logic. He was incredibly reckless and barely, if ever thought about the outcomes of his actions and the logic behind what to do and what not to do. His recklessness, I guessed, was what first turned him to the dark side.

Light saber duels with Ben were epic. Though he usually won i was at least strong enough to hold my ground for a good half hour under his deadly blade. I gave him one of my two light sabers to train with, doubting he'd want to use his red one.

"Siena!" He called out as he walked around the small garage underneath our house where we trained. "Where are you?"

I sat hidden behind a cardboard box, trying to catch my breath and thinking up methods to beat Ben without dying in the process.

"There you are!" I heard him say and i looked up to see his head peering over the top of mg box. "What are you doing?" He grinned.
"Nothing," i responding standing up quickly drawing my blue blade. "That was all part of you training."

He laughed. "Because I'm going to learn so much with my instructor cowering away from me," he joked.

"Whatever," i muttered.

"Shall we continue," he said leading me back to the center of the room.

"If you can manage no kill me."

"Ill go easy on you," he promised.

I brought my light saber up and soon the two blades were clashing together. He swiped at my feet and i jumped, missing the blade by an inch, aiming for his head he ducked all the while slashing at me with his deadly blade.

We continued dueling backwards and forwards, blocking each blow with our own light sabers.

Suddenly there was a crash and sparks flew from the wall. We whirled around to wear the sound came from and there was a huge slash burning in the wall.

"You're paying to fix that," i said to Ben as he ran to get son water to stop the burning. I felt sorry for our neighbor's.

Ben came back shortly with a bucket of water and a cloth. I tock the cloth in my hands then drenching it with water slammed it on top of the burning wall, listening to the satisfying sizzle as the flames went out.

"That was close," he said.

I nodded. "Maybe train outside in the future?

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