chapter 23

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Poe, Finn and a couple more resistant soldiers snuck into the base dressed as clone troopers. They found out my location mg a tracking device they had attacked to my watch, a tracking device. Is that how much they trust me? I wondered to my self, though, it was probably just for precaution but still.

Poe came into my room instead of the clone who was supposed to bring me food at that time.

"Siena," he said as soon as the door had closed. " its me, Poe. I've come to rescue you."

I looked up at him, unsure of what to do. The logic in my mind told me to go with him, yet my heart told me to stay. " Poe, i-"

"Shh," he hushed me. "There's no time to tall, I've got to get you out of here!"

"No poe, i have to stay."

"What?" He asked shocked.

"I can't leave him." I protested. "I've so almost got Ben back, i need more time!"

"Siena! He knocked you unconscious then kidnapped you and has left you in a locked room for a week!"

"But he's been so nice!" I protested.

"Nice?!" Poe said in disbelief. "Can't you see? He's using you! He wants you to trust him so he gets what he wants from you then he'll just leave you again!"

"No! No he's not like that! Besides, what would he be using me for?"

Poe pointed at my body, "well, you're a beautiful girl and he's a man so-"

"Poe! No!," i yelled, disgusted by what he had suggested. "He's not like that! He's not like that at all! He cares about me!"

"Siena would you get it in your head that Ben Solo is gone! He's not coming back! You're just throwing away your life here! He's not coming back!"

His words hurt me but i quickly composed myself. "You said you'd help me," i stated coldly. "So leave."

"Fine!" He threw his hands up in surrender to my wishes. "I'll go! But don't come crying to me when he breaks my heart!"

He walked out the room and i could here him say to Finn and the others that i wasn't coming back. After they left i curled up in a ball of my bed and cried my self to sleep.

Hope your all having a great Christmas! I certainly am... Haha i got a new clarinet case and a sheet music book with like 130 songs, and my mum got me a book of like... Star wars episode 6 but written in Shakespeare style XD


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