chapter 36

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Ben tried to rush to his mother as soon as she was on the ship but i held him down.

"Siena let go!" He cried.

"You'll hurt your self!" I said, trying to be stern. "Your not healed enough to stand!"

"I don't care!" He shook his head, "let me go to her." Tears streamed down his face.

I sighed. "Okay."

I let him go and helped him walk over to his mother. He winced with every step.

"Mum," he said kneeling beside her. "Mum, please, wake up."

He held her limp lifeless hand in his own.

"This is all my fault," he whispered. "I did this."

"Its not your fault Ben. Please don't blame yourself. You're not the one who shot her," i told him.

"I killed my father," he choked on him words. "I left her. I bet she's been dying a little bit each day since then."

"Ben it is not your fault," i tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen.

"Its all snoke's doing," he laughed deliriously and i tried to hold him but he shrugged me off. "He's the one who told me i could save them if i joined him! He's the one who said i could love you!"

I gasped. "You did that because of me?"

"Partly." His eyes were dark. "I hate him. And i am going to kill him in the most painful way. To make him see what he's done!"

"Ben please calm down," i grabbed his shoulders forcing him to look at me. "This isn't going to bring them back."

"No," He whimpered. "But it could save you."

I pulled him towards me, letting his head rest on my shoulder, being careful not to touch his wound.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I've failed you all."

Happy new year!!!!!!!!!! =D
And who likes the new cover =D made by castielinpurgatory she's really cool, if you ever need covers made I'd suggest going to her =D
And thanks for 48k reads! You guys are awesome.


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