chapter 43

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"A gun gun?" I questioned in disbelief. The gun guns weren't known to be particularly aggressive. They were mostly peaceful, living in there underwater city below Nabboo minding there own businesses. Well, until Nabboo was destroyed and the gun guns mostly wiped out.

"Yousa have a problem with that?" The gun gun replied in a voice one could never take seriously. No wonder he kept Kylo's mask. No one would take him seriously with a voice like that.

He limbered towards me, clumsily tripping on my feet but i scoffed, seeing through his act.

"Stop the act!" I snapped. "You wont fool me into thinking your weak and letting my guard down for a second. I've seen you fight. Why don't you show me what you've got."

He cackled, but now it didn't sound scary and fierce. More the laugh of a maniac.

He drew his lethal blade and i drew my own. The green contrasting with the red.

"Yousa think you can win?" He patronized me. "Mesa think you in big doo doo now."

I frowned. Not having the slightest idea what 'doo doo,' meant. Given the current situation i guessed it was something along the lines of 'trouble.'

"You'd be surprised," i muttered. "I'm stronger than i look."

He scoffed, once again irritating me. Honestly, this guy brought arrogance to a new level.

"Are you just going to stand there threatening me or are you going to fight," i glare. If looks could kill he'd be dead a million times by now.

He laughed again before lunging towards me wit the deadly blade, and the fight began.

I blocked his blow and a loud crash filled the air. I swung my blade towards him and watched as he blocked my every strike.

His light saber swung towards my head and i ducked, bringing my blade forwards to clash against his legs but he jumped in time.

The fight went on, each of us giving out blows yet none hitting there mark. He was strong, no doubt about that, and now, i was becoming uncertain. Maybe i couldn't beat him.

And then came the hit. He slashed me, a deep gash across my leg and i cried out in pain. He shoved me to the floor, a hollow smack sounding as my face made contact with the metal floor.

"And now," said the Gun Gun. "I shall take you to my master."

Ugh i am soooo sorry i took so long to update =( and thanks so much for 100k reads! Haha i love you guys! Free hugs for all.... Except for ihatehugs, you get chocolate cause you hate hugs...... Anyway XD thanks for reading!


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