Chapter 1

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"Ben!" I shouted for the tenth time as i walked up and down the halls of the Jedi temple.

"Ben! Where are you?" I was looking for my best friend, Ben solo, a quiet boy with wavy black hair, dark eyes and a tendency to get lost.
"Ben!" I shouted again, receiving glares from those nearby. "Beeeeeeen!"

"Padawan," i heard the calm voice of master Skywalker behind me. "Please refrain from shouting in the temple. This is a house of peace not noise."

"But Sir!" I whined, "i cant find Ben."

He sighed. "Go and check the library," he suggested.

I nodded happily and scurried of to the library to find a sleeping Ben curled up in a fortress of beanbags clutching a heavy looking book.

I giggled slightly at my one year older best friend and climbed into the fort to curl up beside him.

Upon feeling my presence he groggily opened one eye and looked at me. "What are you doing?"

"Sleeping," i replied innocently.

"Go away," he shoved me but i continued to fake sleep until he gave up and trying to push me away and just started tickling me.

"Ben! Stop!" I laughed trying to wriggle away from him but he kept attacking me with tickles knowing full well how much i hated it.

After a while he stopped and looked at me. "Now will you leave me to sleep?" He asked.

"No!" I grinned cheekily.

He raised his hands above me preparing for another strike as i yelped slightly and scurried away from him.
"Don't tickle me again Ben! Please!"

He laughed. "Okay, okay i won't."


Sorry about how slow this story is progressing. The next chapter two will be flashbacks from the past until chapter 3 or 4 when the story will get going, until then I'm afraid you might just have to put up with an annoying 9 year old Siena and an utterly adorable Ben Solo. Haha please bare with me the plot will pick up pace soon.


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