Chapter 27

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Sooooo i rewrote the second half of last chapter so you might wanna go read that before reading this chapter, thanks



"Ben," i called as i searched our small house for the dark haired man. "Where are you?" I heard no reply so i continued searching. The garden? No. Kitchen? No. living room? No. Bedroom? No. Wait, i looked loser at the bed in front of me. I pile of blankets sat in a heap on top of the bed, removing the blankets i chuckled quietly to myself. Ben was lying curled up clutching the full edition of lord of the ring to his chest oath his eyes closed, fast asleep.

I smiled. seeing him like this reminded me of when we were kids, when whenever i lost him I'd always find him bur buried in a fort made of pillows with a book, most of the time asleep.

I softly stroked his dark brown hair my hand then going to trace the scar across his face from his fight with Rey.

Leaning over i kissed his nose and his eyes fluttered open.

"Where you watching me sleep?" He asked.

"No," i denied quickly.

He laughed. "If you were then that's incredibly creepy."

I pouted. "No its not!"

"So you were watching me?" He grinned.


I smirked and graves my waist pulling me onto the bad beside him. "It's cute," he whispered in my ear causing me to blush deeply.

"You're cute," he muttered his hands combing through my hair. "I love you."

"I love you more," i replied.

"Impossible," he grinned pulling my head near to his and putting his lips on mine.

I grinned through the kiss as i brought my hands up to his hair.

We stayed that way for a long time. Just lying together, kissing and hugging.

Lol and here's some fluff for you all cause i realized that i never quite made there relationship official. Sorry for the change last chapter, just i realized i should probably add more detail of Ben and Siena...... Plus i wanna write them being cute on earth lol XD


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