chapter 7

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Ben didn't kill me. The thought remained in my mind. He had the perfect opportunity to kill me, heck i practically ordered him to kill me, yet he didn't. He let me live. Which meant that in his own little way, he still cared about me.

I sniffed slightly, my toe sifting through the rubble that had served as my home for 5 years. Yet again, i had lost everything.

Walking through the rubble i saw bodies lying scattered on the ground. Dead and burned to a crisp. It saddened me and in that sadness i realized that Ben wasn't the only coward. That i, Siena Grace, was a coward.

I ran when the galaxy needed me, hid when things were rough, forever wallowing in self pity. I could of stayed and fought. I could of saved Ben. But i ran.

I knew then that that needed to change. I needed to put my talents to good use. Walking away from the village i was able to acquire transport, and with the map i had memorized in my head i began my journey to the resistance.

I couldn't hide from Ben forever, not when he needed me so desperately.

I would find Ben. And i would save him.

Thanks so much for reading!
And a shout out to @myneveragain and @MissGuillotine you guys are awesome (you're all awesome)
Thanks =D


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