Chapter 18

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"So, where do we go to find him," Poe asked and i frowned.

"I don't know, i guess i didn't really thing that through."

He raised his eyebrows at my lack of plan but didn't question it. "The first order attacked the planet Naboo little over a day ago, if we were to head there there we might find some clues as to where they are based now."

I nodded. "Sounds good. We should leave soon though, and clues will surely vanish over time."

We took a resistance air craft and flew to the planet of Naboo, i was a beautiful planet, or, would be a beautiful planet i it weren't for the ash and ruin that covered the ground. And the skeletons of Kylo's victims.

"What are we looking for?" Poe asked me in a whisper, tying not to disrupt the deathly silence.

I shook my head. "I don't know. A clue i guess. A clue to where the base might be."

Poe nodded looking around. "There's no one here, its so quiet."

"They've all been wiped out."

Poe nodded. "I wish we could of saved them."

I sighed. "I know. I know exactly how you feel."

We scavenged around in the rubble for quite some time until we realized that we weren't going to find an clues here.

"Where can we look?" I asked slightly frustrated.

"Cant you do that Jedi force thing?" Poe asked.

"No," i shook my head. "I can't track people with the force."

"Hey," Poe pointed to a piece of paper sticking out of the ground. "What's that?"

"I don't know. Probably nothing."

He walked forwards and pulled the paper out of the rubble and turned to me with a huge grin on his face.

"It's the mission plan for the first orders next attack! Someone must of dropped it!"

I stared at him in disbelief. How did we get so lucky?

"It says that Kylo's going to attack Corusant in just over an hour!"

"Well what are we waiting for!" I exclaimed. "Set course for Corusant!"

The force really was on our side.

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