chapter 33

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We flew at light speed all the way to the resistances new base, they had had to build a new one after the first order had discovered where they were.

Landing on the planet i jumped out the spaceship and ran to the nearest person.

"Can you help me?" I asked. "My friend is wounded in the back of my ship."

She nodded and rushed over to where my ship was standing standing. "Are they just in the back?"

I nodded.

She climbed in and looked at Ben before turning to me. "He can rot for all i care," she spat at me.

"What?!" I exclaimed i disbelief.

"I know who he is. He's Kylo Ren, the source of all our problems. Who do you think you are bringing him here?"

"I'm Siena, Jedi and former resistance member!" I protested. "Please! Help him he's dying!"

"Then let him die," she said coldly glaring me down as they jumped out m ship.

"Wait! Where's Leia!"

She didn't reply.

I looked despairingly down at Ben, i couldn't carry him, and he was unconscious and lost too much blood to do anything himself. I didn't want to leave him alone i this state.

"Hold on," i whispered as i gently kissed his mouth. "I'll go get help."

I ran to the base but was stopped outside by two guards.

"What is your name?" They asked harshly.

"Siena, Siena Grace."

"Siena? I didn't think I'd see you anytime soon," one of them said and on closer inspection i realized that it was Poe.

"Poe! You've changed."

"That's what two years does to you. What brings you here?"

"I need help, i have Ben but he's injured and he'll die soon if you don't help him."

"Ben as in-" he started but i interrupted him.

"Can you help him?"

"Okay, but the room he'll be in will be heavily guarded."

I nodded as Poe ran to my ship getting Ben out and carefully walking back.

"Go get the general," he said to a passing resistance member. "Tell her that her son is home."

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