chapter 17

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I flew to the resistance base where i received a warm welcome. Poe hugged me so tight i could barely breathe.

"So, you're a Jedi now?" He said after finally releasing me.

"Yes," i smiled. "I'm a Jedi."

"You gonna stick around here a bit longer?" He asked.

"No," i shock my head. "I'm just stopping by here, I need to save Ben."

"You're not giving up on that are you?"

"No. I wont give up on my best friend."

"Can i help you?" He requested.

"No!" I denied his request. "I'm not putting you in danger because of me."

"I want to help you Siena, besides, I'm not letting you go alone, he's dangerous."

"But you could get hurt!" I protested.

He shrugged. "I'm willing to take the risk."

"Okay," i smiled. "But i cant guarantee your safety."

He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm not asking you too."

Over 2k reads in under 2 days! I love you guys so much =D thanks for all the reads, votes, comments and follows and thanks to those who added this story to there reading lists. You guys rock!


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