chapter 45

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I am so sorry it took like..... A whole week to update this, but to make up for that I attached a video of Pentatonix singing the star wars theme to this chapter (cause I am literally in love with Pentatonix haha)


I watched and waited as Snoke walked around me and Poe, smirking in a way that terrified me.

He indicate forwards the gun gun, "now then, Darth Binks. Why don't you finish them off?"

The gun gun, Binks, gave a slight nod of his masked head and walked towards us with menacing steps, his light saber casting a bloody glow.

"You won't kill us," I stated bluntly. "You need us." 

"You we may need, Siena," Snoke corrected me. "We could do without this piece of trash. Kill him already Binks." 

"As you wish," his light saber swung swiftly and I held Poe shielding him with my body, shouting my eyes comparing for the impact. There was a crash and the sound of two blades meeting. 

"Thought you'd take all the fun, Siena?" His voice flooded my ears and I thought I was dreaming but looking up I saw Ben looking down at me and Poe, his light saber drawn. 

"Ben?" I asked bewheled.

"Shh don't talk. We have business to attend to." He looked towards where Snoke and the gun gun stood.  "Back off," he snapped, "no one hurts my fiancé." 

"Haven't we been through this already?" Snoke sighed. 

"Well evidently we need to go through it again." 

He advanced towards then then stopped still. "I'd run if I were you." 

"Run?" Snoke scoffed. "What? From you? A boy so weak he can't even safe the ones he loves?"

"No," Ben smirked. "From this." 

He looked towards the doorway and there stood five resistance fighters.

"We have surrounded the building and destroyed all means of escape. You're trapped. And as it seems, have a lot of explaining to do. Don't try to escape." 

A couple of resistance pilots rushed in and brought Poe out the room and Ben came up to me. 

"Come on, Siena. Let's get out of here." 

He picked me up and carried me out the base, my head resting against his chest. 

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