chapter 6

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He came in the dead of night with his huge army of clones. They burned the village to the ground slaughtering everyone.

I ran outside as soon as the gunshots sounded knowing full well that if i stayed in my little room i would be surrounded and burned to the ground.

Figures lay lying in the floor dead everywhere. As gunshots fired into the hearts of anyone still standing. I wondered how long it would take for them to notice me, then i turned around, and realized they already had.

A black figure with a mask over his face, a billowing cloak behind him and a triple bladed light saver was walking towards me.

I felt tearing pricking in my eyes but refused to let them fall. I would not cry. I would not show him how much he's hurt me.

"Siena," he said in a hard metallic voice as he reached me. "You've grown."
I said nothing. My gaze fixed to the ground in front of him. Refusing to meet his masked gaze.

"Look at me!" He ordered but i disobeyed and soon felt his gloved hand on my chin forcing my eyes upwards. "Look at how strong i have become Siena! I am the most known man in the galaxy!"

With nothing left to do i spat in his masked face. "You are the most feared man in the galaxy! Twisted and evil Ben! That is not an accomplishment! You his behind a mask killing everyone in your way! You're a coward Ben!"

He hissed and realised his grip on my chin slapping me hard across my face. "That is not my name! My name is Kylo Ren. Ben is dead!"

"Then which don't yo kill me!" I yelled. "Kylo Ren would have no trouble with killing me! So do it! Kill me!"

His masked face his all emotion but i could sense he was glaring. "Okay. I will." Drawing his light save he led it to my neck, preparing for the final blow. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for death

But it never came. He drew back his light saber and walked away from where i stood, a small smile lingering on my face.

Maybe Ben was in there somewhere.

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