Chapter 14

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I sat at my desk with my face expressionless.

Finn had been sent to the emergency room as soon as we landed. Apparently him and Rey had been forced into a light saber duel with Kylo Ren that i wasn't aware of even though i was present. I guess my mind blacked out not long after Kylo Ren- i choked. I couldn't think about it. I just couldn't. I didn't want to believe it but how could i deny what i saw with my own eyes.

"Ben," i whispered. "Please, please come home." As much as i hated Kylo i could never hate Ben. "Ben," i whimpered burring my head in my hands. "Ben!" I cried my hands clawing at my cheeks, no doubt hard enough to leave marks. Why couldn't i save him? Why couldn't i stop him? Why couldn't things be the way they were 6 years ago.

"Ben," i whispered again. "I loved you."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Poe standing there. His face holding the look of concern.

"You were right." I said to him. "Ben is gone." I choked on my words. "He's gone and i couldn't save him.

I rocked back and forth on my chair, " i couldn't save him, i couldn't save Han, and i miss them so much!"

"Shh, Siena, I've got you, its going to be okay," Poe whispered into my hair as he hugged me. I wasn't even aware that he was holding me until then.

"I wasn't good enough. I wasn't strong enough."

"Siena," he said gently yet stern. "Nothing that happened that day was your fault."

I shook my head against his chest.

"I'm so sorry Ben," i whispered. "I'm so sorry."

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