Chapter 1. Welcome to London

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Nobody's POV

White Chapel, London 1868 - (Central Train Station London).

The Frye Twins make their way out of the train and they blend into the crowd of people. Evie Frye starts talking about the Pieces of Eden while she walks ahead of her brother. She is unaware Jacob stops walking as he gives out a short breath.

The moment Jacob Frye came out of the train someone on the left side of the station caught his attention. He had missed the Templar's Uniform Officers picking bags then placing them in two different carriages. He missed the obvious Red Cross symbol on each guard left hand, and He missed how protected this particular person is.  

The only thing Jacob Frye noticed was her fair skin. The way her Victorian-era red dress fit her like a glove which makes it impossible for him to take his eyes away from her. The beautiful smile she was giving to each of the officers as they respectfully help her pick her package.

Jacob notices her golden long hair brought up by a simple hairstyle. He notices the combining red umbrella and gloves she is wearing because of the sun shining down right on her, and he notices the moment she looks towards him time stops around Jacob Frye.

He couldn't believe she had this much control over him. He is unable to understand why he is acting this way. He has never seen eyes as beautiful as hers, left eye is green and her right eye is blue. She looks exactly like an Angel that fell down from the heaven's above. She is captivating Jacob too much for his own comfort. 

The Angel flashes a smile to Jacob. It disturbs all of his senses to go numb. The Angel keeps contact with Jacob until she enters her carriage. Jacob keeps staring at the door unable to understand what just happen. It takes Jacob a few minutes to recover his composure once again. He looks once again to the spot the Angel stood before realizing something every security surrounding it for the first time. 

Jacob stares at the other platform. He could see Templar's left and right. They have not notice Jacob Frye just yet. He turns his head to realize Evie Frye is walking and talking ahead of him. He notices she hasn't realized he was not next to her. He quickly moves behind her when she stops talking. He smiles at her then walks ahead of her without much trouble. He tries his best to forget the control that woman had on him.

Evie Frye look around the train station at how many different people where there "I've never seen so many people all at once", Evie heard her brother say with a chuckle at the end while they were at the entrance of the Train Station, "The churning seas of London." It's just the way Father described. Now, to find Henry Green and"

Evie told her brother with excitement as they step into the sun in front of the train station "formulate a plan of attack against the Templars", Evie finishes declaring her final plan looking around while her brother's face is puzzle "Who is Mr. Green again?", Jacob Frye asks Evie while he looks at her. 

Evie was uncertainly annoyed by her brother's question "The Assassin watching over London. Did you not listen the first three times?", Evie Frye anger was certainly obvious as her voice was becoming higher and higher "Listen to what?" Evie heard her brother's cocky smile making eye contact with her.

Jacob turned around looking at a kid "Oi! Watch it!" he screams at the kid. The kid apologize shortly after "Beg pardon, sir!", the kid reply as he turns around and ran away. Jacob looks towards Evie noticing his bag of money wasn't in his pocket. 

His laugh change into surprise "Oi! Come back here you filthy dipper!" exclaim Jacob as he ran following the kid,

"Jacob! Stop!" Evie's voice could be heard in the background following him as he went through an alley.

London's back alley - (Two Templar guards & the kid)

Jacob hide behind some boxes noticing the kid coming to a stop in front of two Templar guards "Have you brought the money?", One of the Templar Guard exclaims as he walks to the kid.

The other one stands up from the stairs he was sitting on "Yes, Sir!" reply the kid showing the Templar's guards Jacob's big bag of money "He is becoming quite a thief, Boron" The Templar guard looks towards the man call Boron. 

Boron takes the bag of money from the other man "I bet with this money I can buy Miss Rosaliana a beautiful jewelry. She will surely pay attention to me after that", Boron thought out loud like a maniac as his face had a crazy smile "You are obsessed. You are below her ranks. She will never directly look at you" The second Templar guard blurts out feeling almost sorry for the other man.

"What shall we do with this kid?" he ask looking at Boron who seem to be surprised the kid was still standing in front of him "I will take care of him go make sure nobody speaks to Miss Rosaliana", Boron dismissed the other guard watching him leave then directing his attention towards the kid "You have become a thief now, so I will have to kill you!" shouts Boron taking a hold of his weapon then aiming it directly at the child's head while the child closes his eyes in anticipation. 

Jacob came out of his hideout as he had seen enough of this madman Templar "I can't let you do that", he walks towards the Templar preparing his fits. Boron looks at Jacob upset "How dare you! I HAVE AN AMAZING PERSON TO MEET! HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT ME!!!"

Boron kept screaming while Jacob ran up to him punching his face knocking him down with one try. Evie comes out of the alley as the kid is far from view and there is a body on the corner, "Jacob, who is-" Evie was interrupted " A Templar Guard" Jacob answer his sister as he picks his money bag securing it in his secret pocket inside his jacket.

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