Chapter 13. Mr. Green's Regret

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I could never say "London has become better with your disappearance". I could never get myself to go that far. I have always treasured the ways you have put others in front of your desires. I have always loved the way you help the people without asking anything in return. I cannot find it within me to hate you. I have no insight on why you left us all behind. I can only hope that you will return once again.

There is no cheer within any of us. The hardest thing we had to deal with was getting over you not coming back. We had hoped you needed time to think. After our last disagreement, I have always thought you would return. How stubborn was I to learn I was wrong. I admit it a bit too late. You had the right in everything. You wanted to further the help we gave the people. You wanted us to bring the Templars down just like a good game of chess.

I never realize how important you were to London. I always thought it was all of us together; however, you were the one out on the field. You were the one gaining information for our cause. You infiltrated the Templar's on my regards. You place your title, your name, and reputation under jeopardy to help us. My number one mistake was to take that for granted.

Flashback, 5 years ago. A week before Rosaliana left London.

"I thought you trusted me, Henry" I stood there unable to move as she left the Curio Shop. I thought she was going to return that day. I thought she was coming back as always. I push our encounter to the back of my head. I wanted to attend to some serious problems within London. I pay no mind to her not appearing.

The Seconds turn to Minutes.

The Minutes turn to Hours.

The Hours turn to Days.

I was oblivious to it. I was too into my own affairs to realize my mistake. I send a letter hoping she'll answer back. We had everything plan to take down Rupert Ferris at that time. My worst nightmare became reality when that letter came back.

Dear, Mr. Green.

I am speaking to you in regards of Ms. Von Shrieder. She is no longer with us. She has some serious matters to attend. I am sorry to inform you that she is no longer in London.



Ms. Von Shrieder is a very important key for taking down the Templars. She could achieve to gain any information I would have wanted. She is indeed a lost we were not prepared to lose.

When the Red Rose left London. Our Hopes to take down the Templars left with her.

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