Chapter 28. Rexford Kaylock.

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Rose's POV.

Tuesday, October 27th, 1868.

I have rules to go by. Rules I don't dare to break ever. Why did I ever make exceptions...?

I'll never know the reasons.

Flashback - 20 years ago.

A gloom falls upon London's streets at these hours of the night. A darkness never showed itself before; however, it won't be remembered by many. It will long be forgotten in the history of time itself. A shadow walks among the empty streets, the heist is in each step it takes. A destination like all the other valid reasons. Nobody to see this shadow, so nobody would question it. 

A sudden stop made the shadow find the value of its search, "This is the end of the road", a man of muscular build points a gun to a beggar. The shadow watches from afar the outcome. It could have stopped the incident. It could have stopped the death; however, it didn't do such a thing. The shot resonates throughout the emptiness of the Thames. A sigh escapes the shadow while the muscular man loses the light from his eyes. 

A light that showed innocent and pureness. A light that the shadow enjoy to see every so often; however, it's now gone forever. The shadow could have ended him there and then, but she didn't do such thing.

End of Flashback.

When you try to run away from your past, it keeps tabs on you every so often. It eats you up slowly without leaving a trace. If you try to fight it off, you are easy pray for it. The only way is to ignore it until you are no longer able to feel it. Those feelings will be gone through time; however, the memories will never be forgotten. They'll be replay over and over when you remember anything about it. 

I lean back on the darkest corner of Kaylock's office. I waited patiently for his arrival as I am sure he'll come. He has been waiting for this day his whole life. The day that his luck runs out.

Flashback. - Continue...

Kaylock cleans his pistol of the Beggar's blood. A faint heartbeat rings by the shadow's left ear. It can listen to the Beggar's heart. Those few beats for survival. The last thing he ever saw was Kaylock's grin creeping by. That's no way to die some may say; however, that's no beggar. Once, he was a powerful man in London. The man that turn Kaylock in the person he is now. 

A man drove by revenge and that only. The shadow looks up at the dark cloudy skies. A soft drop on it cheeks from the fresh raindrop, "It's not my time yet, Rose. I have things to do. You can't take me yet", Kaylock softly whispers, he walks off into the night. It sighs heavily walking to the beggar's body. 

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