Chapter 17. Gift of Trust

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A fire burning sensation covers Evie's body. She opens her eyes with difficulty. The sensation feels like a bad headache. Every part of her body hurts. She tries to open her mouth to ask for help. She tries so hard with nothing but a helpless whisper.

I cannot believe this. I always thought Jacob would be the one to fall before I do. This is reckless on its own. I have to get some help as soon as possible.

A sudden jolt in Evie's spine brings her out of her thoughts. It stops her from thinking altogether. She opens her mouth to scream, but she had to eat her pain quietly. There wasn't anyone around to help her. She couldn't speak even if she had like too. Her throat is dry from the amount of poison she consumed. 

Evie bites down on her lips. They are numb down "Am I going to die?" A realization comes to Evie. If she stays here taking in the pain. She'll surely fall to her own death "I can't I have so much to achieve" A thought of encouragement rush through. Evie takes a deep breath as she tries to stand up.

I thought I have dealt with much worse enemies. I have always recovered and hit twice as harder, but this fight is within me. I have never been in a situation like this.

I have never been in a lethal state before. If I give in to my pain, I'll soon meet my maker; however, if I keep moving on, the pain itself hurts beyond beliefs. I want to keep on living. I have too much to do to give up now. I have to find the other Pieces of Eden.

Evie's legs tremble to stay up. She wiggles while trying to stay on her feet. Evie stumbles towards a wall. She uses this as support. She can't truly understand what's going on. Evie knows she is in pain; however, every part of her body is in some different pain. She is unable to register some of them. She has a hard time trying to walk one step. 

Every step feels like a rush of numbness. A silent painful step that comes silently. It waits for Evie to believes she is doing better. It rushes through almost knocking her to the floor once again. She holds onto her support. She wishes she could scream. Her throat feels like somebody stuff dry coal in it. 

Every step requires for Evie to breath. That's a whole type of disaster. Evie would of love to breathe any other day. She would even smell the snitch stink than to deal with this. She can't put the pain into words. She cringes every time she breathes. Breathing feels like sharp nails on a hard surface. The thought of breathing in Evie's state scares her.

Evie takes a few difficult steps back. The sun shines right on her face. It brought the unwanted headache pains "Stay in the shadows, Evie. Don't make this more difficult" A thought rush through as she takes a deep painful breath. She changes direction for the alleyway. It is better to stay in the shadows. She'll have to avoid any type of sun contact to the minimum.

Evie's vision is unclear. She can't identify certain things. She is unable to see far away. She is using her eagle vision to walk. Even that proof to be difficult. It only lasts a few seconds then it disappears. She has to slowly walk to where it showed then use eagle vision again. If she makes a mistake, she will pay it dearly. The more time she deals with this excruciating pain. The more she wishes not to encourage Jacob.

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