Epilogue: Rose's Mistake.

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Welcome all! This is Chapter 30! We are finally here! Book 1: Epilogue. Enjoy!

We have had a long road up and downs! Let's head right in as this is one chapter; you don't want to miss.


Rose's Pov.

Wednesday, October 28th, 1868.

The rain falls furiously on me. I am standing in the middle of an empty lot. It's empty because there isn't anyone else except for Kaylock. An empty look on my eyes as he drags himself to a lamp post. I don't move from my spot as my dress gets soak. He tries to get there even as he bleeds out. It seems so important to him just like the first time I met him.

Flasback - 43 years ago...

How to let things go? At which point in life can you let it go? Is it when you age? or is it when you achieve wisdom. I have gain both in the course of my life. I want to believe that so deeply; however, sometimes people make mistakes. I wish that was my case then it wouldn't bother me, but I am no 'people' or 'person'. I have past that period long ago, and I don't believe able to return.

Sometimes you run away from your mistake so long; they become your reality soon enough. We have run for so long in so many separate directions. Layla, Claara, Lady Rosaliana, everyone and I. How bad do you want something to be dig deep into your subconscious. You don't want it to return, but its never in your hands. It wasn't ever in mind to get so involve in one person's future as I did....

The London's summer heat falls upon the citizens. The new comers from ships far away from lands known to all men, and some unknown few. A young girl swiftly walks through unaware citizens. She has nothing to her name per say just the clothes she is wearing, and the second chance she was given by her Lady. A chance which she'll use with more wisdom. A dark work blue dress with an white waist apron. A white cloth cover her rebel hair with deep forest green eyes. Her pale complexion blends in with the crowds uneven one.

She seems like a foreigner in one glance which is not true. She is born and raise in London. A place of beauty and magic all together forming something beyond explanations. She doesn't know which part is more genuine. The fact she is waiting for her true calling. The one that shows her where to start apart of her Lady running her life as she sees fit. Rose wants to have something else she can call hers. Something she can work for years to come. An emotional connection with something different than her in any way or form.

A pair of brown evening boots made an abrupt stop. The citizens around walk on the own little life without being able to hear it. Rose looks around seeing countless numbers of people; however, her deep forest green eyes fall upon an alleyway to her left. There she hears the pleads of a woman then a cry of an infant. She holds onto her dress as she sprints forth into the dark alleyway. A speed most humans are unable to achieve. It didn't felt that fast only walking on air like she touch leaf instead of hard cement floor.

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