Chapter 22. Unlike Savior

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I close my eyes for only a second not really listening to Boron. His screams felt like a far away sound. I just let the silence envelop me.


"Rosaliana... you are daydreaming again!" she shouts, I look down at her. We were in a study supposed to read something, but I am unable too. 

"You don't speak much, do you?" she stares sweetly at me. I didn't move as I lock eyes with those precious amber orbs. I would recognize them anywhere by now. She is right here, right now. I close and open my eyes more than once. Is this real or is it not? Am I dreaming awake again? "Promise me something when you find it... don't forget about me" her words run inside my head over and over. 

It was my time to shake my head "I could never forget you. I would never do that" I speak firmly catching her smile "I am glad. I wish we wouldn't have to separate"

We look so different, but we are inseparable. A team of two that feels like one. I almost believe she was here again until her smile faded slowly "Don't forget me" she says, I nod closing my eyes knowing pretty well... it was just my imagination again.

End of Flashback.

When I return back to reality it was quiet. Boron wasn't screaming anymore. I look into the alleyway seeing that. A sigh escapes my lips as he hasn't left. I would have already gone if my savings weren't required. Boron's man are spread out looking at the man. He quietly walks to them with a top hat on. I didn't know why I started to pay attention to it. He wore fancy attires, so I take out being homeless of the list. 

I am unable to see his eyes from this far. They are hidden which upsets me because I prefer looking at somebody's eyes. Two of Boron's man charged at him. My eyes widely as I couldn't believe this he just double assassinated them. I could see the shining knife "Hidden Blade" I whisper to myself completely shock. 

He is an Assassin! 

He exchanges his top hat for his hoodie. There it is "that...  h-he is AN ASSASSIN! Eliminate him!" Boron shouts to his man to charge once again. They were hesitant at first, but Boron shouted again for them to go. Three men left running towards the man while Boron drags me away. I couldn't take my eyes off of the man. I look back seeing him crush his hidden blade through one of the man's skull. He glances my way for a second. 

I felt like time stop at that precise moment. It does feel very familiar. Boron is using his man as bait. He is such a coward when conflict pops up. I look up at him "Assassins in LONDON! This cannot be! We have control of London!" He speaks loud enough for only me to hear. He looks back seeing nothing. I follow his eye vision noticing his man are dead. They didn't stand a chance against an Assassin.

Even I know that's deadly. Why haven't I done anything? Boron is right. Assassins in London do bring a new perspective. If he is working alone, I could have a new alley. Only time will tell because right now. I am more useless that I was a few hours ago. That memory left me with less capable than I was. This is getting worst by the minutes. Maybe with more allies, I could find her, but trusting people in London is like trusting death.

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