Chapter 7. Jacob's Persistence

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Nobody's POV.

Higher Ground -- Red Building.

Evie shakes her head continuously as Jacob stares at her with a smile on his features. Evie sighs heavily walking up to her brother, "You were never good at chess either". Jacob train of thought was brought down by his sister's comment. Jacob stares at Evie as she walks away from him, "Have you got a better plan?", He asks Evie while she gives him her back. Evie is looking at London thinking on everything Henry said. If a person like that existed, maybe we do have a chance to free, London, Evie thinks to herself quickly as Jacob question destroys her trail of thoughts.

"Find the Piece of Eden", Evie turns around telling Jacob in frustration as he exasperatedly sighs. Jacob walks a few steps behind Evie. "Here, we go again. Piece of Eden, nothing good has come from them. Why is she so persistent?". Jacob thinks to himself as Evie turns around away from him. She was growing angry by the second, her brother didn't understand, he didn't know the importance of the Pieces of Eden. She wants him to know that having one will be the push they'll need to save London. Henry lets out a chuckle as both twin's continue with their anger rampage. Henry moves slightly to them "Well. Let me show you the lay of the land, shall we?" Jacob & Evie stared at each other than at Henry.

Evie glares at Jacob as Jacob looks somewhere else. Henry's lips curve into a smile as he waits for them to comply. They went on walking to a brick cylinder tower a few steps from them. It was tall & red on a corner, worn out by the years, surprising still standing after all this time. Jacob stops for a second to look how tall it was. Evie was a few steps behind with Henry, they weren't speaking, it was a pleasant silence.

Jacob smiles to himself as he localizes the way to climb the red cylinder tower. He runs to the tower as his feet make contact with it. He impulses himself up holding onto a higher red block. He holds onto the red block making his way up. "The best way to see any landscape is from above". Henry's voice speaks probably impressing Evie as they start climbing the red cylinder tower.

Jacob impulses himself higher & higher above the red cylinder tower. He lets out a few gust of air from his mouth as he moves with a steady pace. He keeps impulsing himself higher & higher as Evie & Henry gust of air are nothing more. Jacob's smiles to himself as he is high enough that he no longer hears Evie. He impulses himself one last time to get a hold onto the top of the red cylinder tower. He pushes himself above standing up. He catches his breaths as he looks around the horizon of London. He sees a Vantage Point to have a better view of their next move. Jacob waits for Evie & Henry to come above.

Jacob turns around when Henry is pushing himself up. Henry stands up for only a second when he turns around handing Evie a hand. Evie was insecure for a mere second, but she ends up letting Henry help her up, "Thank you". Evie whispers as she is standing right next to Henry Green. Jacob walks to the Vantage Point seeing around him. Henry walks a few steps behind Jacob, "Look at what Starrick has done to this city". Evie & Jacob stare at the apartment sections in London. At the people standing around then around White Chapel. It was normal to see two gangs going at each other's throats, "Whitechapel is riddled with crime-". Henry catches his breath for only a second.

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