Chapter 14. A Walker Among The Shadows

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One side of London is under a lot of rain while closer to the docks is a paradise come true. Evie stares out at the streets of London. She is hiding her face below her hoodie which can be useful for rainy days as well. She read the small text on the paper. The snitch stands around the alleyways of a tavern close by. Evie has been standing close to a market for a few minutes before he appears. Evie can notice his state is dreadful. His clothes are broken and they haven't seen a washing for ages. He walks by Evie looking around. He seems to be scared of something as if he is being watched.

Evie waits for him to enter the tavern before she resumes walking. She walks by people without a problem. She knows her target is that snitch. She needs to gain the information he holds. The smell of Alcohol rum, whiskey and ale combine welcome Evie into the tavern. She easily moves to an empty spot not so easily obvious close to the snitch. It would be stupid and irresponsible of her to be that obvious. Evie has a view of the whole tavern. She smiles noticing the bait entering the bar. The Uniform Templars walk with a steady tiredly pace. A waitress comes to her table hiding her from their merciless search. She is sure they were looking for some trouble of some kind.

"Good day, Mister" the waitress speaks with a hint of cheer in her voice. Evie side glances her taking in her caramel skin. She has done her hair well styled for a simple waitress. Evie nods to the waitress "The usual is whiskey" The waitress leans back not to be seen as a prostitute. Evie gives the waitress one of her best smiles as she leaves to fulfill her order. She passes by the snitch without stopping to take his order. Evie shakes her head. Waitresses do not serve him. They have been avoiding him like the plague. Either he does not tip very good or he can hardly keep his hands to himself.

The Uniform Templars are going on about their own things. It's not very hard to missed them as they are wearing obvious Templar's symbols. They are seating in a corner of the tavern going about their life. They are not that drunk to talk about personal information. Evie glanced around the bar seeing nothing out of the ordinary "One whiskey, as you requested" the waitress voice brought Evie to look up at her. She places the drink down then a bottle of the same content next "One shot is perfectly fine" the waitress shakes her head "This one is on the house" she adds turning around to take other orders.

Evie watches the waitress takes other's orders very swiftly then going back into the kitchen. She serves them all in one go -- at least some of them. Evie stares at the drink in front of her. She hesitates into drinking its content. It could be poison for all Evie knows. That can't be the problem. The waitress has been serving everyone in the bar none stop. Evie pushes the poison to the back of her mind as she takes the whiskey shot. Evie counts within her mind worried that she made a mistake. She sighs when a few minutes pass by, and she was still seating without falling to her death.

The poison thought long lost. Evie serves herself a few more whiskey shots to pass the time. She hears into the conversation of the Uniform Templars. They seem to be talking about a woman that seems to be their biggest point. Evie sighs getting her hopes up will not do her any good. She needs a strong head for what's ahead. She has no idea what kind of information Evie could get from the snitch. It could be enough to take the Grant Master Templar down once and for all. The whiskey shot inches from Evie's mouth as her eyes lock on the door. A new person has entered the tavern. Evie takes the shot placing the glass down.

A messenger boy approaches the bartender. He takes a seat placing his hands on the wood counter frame "I want a drink" the boy shouts for the bartender to look at him. The bartender laughs at the kid for a couple of minutes. Evie takes another whiskey shot watching the scene "Sorry, kid. We do not serve minors" The bartender places the drinks away from the child's reach. The messenger boy crosses his hands staring at the bartender. He ignores him serving other customers. The kid comes down the seat as he walks towards the exit. Evie's eyes follow him until he disappears through the door.

Evie looks up as the snitch approaches the bartender "Yes, right away. Sir, here. Somebody send you this" The bartender informs the snitch as he passes him a paper. The snitch reads it looking out of the bar. His face seems to change ten times as paler as he leaves the paper there. He falls to the floor then scurries up running out of the bar. Evie watches him leave a bit confuse. A different waitress comes taking the empty whiskey bottle and the glass. Evie smiles waiting to see if anyone takes the paper. It seems as everyone ignores the paper. The bartender does not move it from the spot it is at.

Evie stands from the seat as she walks to the paper. She stands in front of the wood counter frame. She ignores the bartender as she swiftly takes the paper. She folds it placing it within her pockets as she walks to the tavern's exit. She comes out looking left and right. She sees a dropped shoe on the streets. She walks lowering down to it "Yeah, that's the one he was wearing" she softly whispers looking into the small alleyway. The snitch is hiding within. Evie sighs heavily that he is there. She walks into the alleyway smiling that he has not noticed her. He seems panicked about an unknown reason to Evie.

Evie holds onto the snitch easily "hey, hey!" She shouts to get his attention. He looks at her terrified. Evie gives him a good luck. He is only a worn out man by the years. He stinks beyond belief. Evie stands it to ask him a question "Why did you run away?" Evie asks him when he calms down. He looks at her speaking in a hurry "They are coming! The letter... I-it says we've been waiting! I don't want to die! please, don't let them kill me" He shouts desperately holding onto Evie's arms. She looks at him confuse "Nobody is going to kill you. You probably drank too much today" Evie informs the male as she drags him out of the alleyway.

He tries his best to get out of Evie's hold. Evie comes out of the alleyway dragging the snitch along. She drags him through the empty streets "I told you nobody will kill you. The streets are empty" She assures him walking into a stop. Evie looks back because the snitch was completely silent. He's pointing back with a trembling hand. Evie looks back only seeing a crowd of factory workers. She surveillance through the crowd being unable to move when she stare right at green eyes. Those eyes were captivating enough to stop her from moving. The snitch took this chance to freed himself from Evie's hold. Evie was unable to stop him.

The workers walk by Evie without noticing her. It all happens so fast Evie stares at the eyes. Evie side glances her "We got the upper hand. Do send Henry my regards.. oh wait, you won't" She tells Evie as she walks away. Evie was about to take her weapon. She wanted to confront the enemy at hand; however, her body did not respond as she wants too. Evie looks down at the floor seeing double of her. She looks back up as her eyes become a blurry mess. She tries to walk to try and catch up to the girl "Wa-" Evie tries to speak hardly getting her words out. Evie's throat has dried out for no reason. She has no idea what is going on with her own body.

The girl stops looking back at Evie "It sure looks painful. I would give you the antidote; however, you are a witness. We both know when you kidnaped someone. There should not be loose ends" The voice annoyed Evie the most. It was one that you really do not want to stumble with. It's like this young girl is so used to doing this. She finds it amusing. Evie tries to walk once again falling to the floor. She helplessly watches as the young girl swiftly moves through the crowd. Evie's vision completely darkens soon after.

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