Chapter 5. Home, Sweet! Home.

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Official 4th Residence of the Von Shrieder Family. 

On the outskirts of London. A top of a small cliff.

The familiar enveloping sweet smell of flowers. The sweet sound of the ocean waves, it can only mean one thing Rosaliana has reach home. She smells all of the scents that are so familiar to her and all so painful to bare. She has played this scene on her head over a million times; however, she wasn't prepared to confront it.

She knew this will be the hardest thing in her lifetime. She left London without a form of goodbye nor a letter. She disappears without a word. Her family outside of London understood completely, she is not sure Rose will. As Rosaliana took Claara to the 13 colonies, not her most trusted servants.

Rosaliana opens her eyes to look how close they are to home. The carriage is surround by trees and birds. Rosaliana can recognize them as the birds Rose was taking care off 5 years ago. She was surprised to see them healthy. They are beautiful, "Welcome back, Lady Rosaliana" Jeremy weary eyes stare at Rosaliana for a second before paying attention to the road.

Rosaliana gives Jeremy her best smile as she stretches her hands. She is sure they have been riding this road for a long time. The road is well-taken care of, she is happy to know – even if she isn't here. They have kept everything in order. Rosaliana closes her eyes one more time letting the sound of the ocean envelopes her.

The children quiet down, the moment Jeremy turn the carriage through a tunnel. They became silent in a matter of seconds "Don't be scared. It will be over soon" Rosaliana assures the children that there is nothing to be scared off. Rosaliana feels welcome in the darkness of the tunnel. As she knows after the tunnel a landscape of multi-color flowers then home sweet home.

She waits in anticipation as she notices the ray of sun at the end of the tunnel, "Miss Rosaliana, will you ever send us back to the factories" Rosaliana listens to a small voice question her. The sound making her look behind her at the small window showing the inside of the carriage. It was hard to see as the tunnel was pitch black. She felt little eyes on her "I would never send you back there" She reply to the children inside the carriage.

She was hoping to make a better environment for them. A place they could call home, she knew that the only home they know is the factory. That's unacceptable in her book. They need love and affection, "We are almost there" Jeremy smiles widely as the carriage is out of the tunnel. Rosaliana can listen to the "wow" "That's not a little house" She laughs loudly when the carriage passes the multi-color landscape.

Rosaliana stares at the mansion closer to the cliff, she notices the servant working around the mansion. As the carriage gets closer to the mansion's fence, Jeremy stops the carriage to talk to the man on the fence. He eyes Rosaliana unsure of who she is, "Open this door at once" She angrily response as the man did as he was told.

Rosaliana stares at Jeremy confused, "Why is there a fence, around my mansion?" Jeremy bows his head apologetically as he waits for the fence to open, "There was an incident 2 years ago, somebody tried to rob us, Lady Rosaliana" Rosaliana pale soft cheeks turn red from anger, "WHAT?!" She exclaims gaining a lot of eyes as the carriage goes into the fence, "Why didn't anyone send for me?" She questions Jeremy quickly wanting an answer at once.

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