Chapter 25. United Allies

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Henry Green's POV.

It has been a Month and a week since Jacob and Evie came to London.  

Both twins look completely terrible; Evie was devastated about her findings being another dead end, and Jacob had an uneasy look on his features. I couldn't recognize either of them. It seems my favors have taken the better of them. Maybe, I should give up searching for Rosaliana and take into more important matters.

We shall free London from Starrick's rule. We shall free London from the Templars once and for all!

I move out of the room for a quick second. I quickly found what I was looking for, "It's time to move to more pressing matters" I walk with a steady pace inside the next room. Evie hasn't looked up from her ranting thoughts, and Jacob stares at something in the distance.

I am very curious to know what he is thinking about. He has been coming and going for hours. He seems to be looking for something outside in London's streets; however, he comes empty-handed with nothing at all.

I organize pictures of my allies on the table. My eyes gaze upon Rosaliana's picture. Her beautiful Heterochromia eyes were drawn to perfection. Her features look similar to a dream or a fantasy. She doesn't look real or alive sometimes. Some people years ago said she was a witch, but I believe her to be a fallen angel for London.

My eyes tender at the idea of her... the memories of our adventures. She has helped us in London more than anyone. I took the picture of her and her allies off the table. A sigh escapes my lips while I place it in a box. I hide it to complete the task a hand. A new team without any help from her.

Hope London Forgives My Actions...

"Evie, Jacob. It's time for you to meet my allies" I shouted not too loud, but enough for them to snap out of it. Evie looks up my way as Jacob stands up. In this play were two of my most trusted allies. Kaylock's picture because I am sure they'll encounter him. I move back to the box to take a familiar picture while Evie walks closer.

"Who are these people?", Evie asks as I approach the table. I look at the twins as they examine the pictures, "These are the two allies I have gained over the years". Both twins nod my way as I give them time to pay attention. I have seen a slight curiosity on Evie's features while Jacob is in and out. A quick silence comes through as I gather my thoughts quickly, "Urchins"

I was sure Jacob would say something about it; however, his face looks more confuse.

That's not something I was truly expecting. Jacob seems distance with a trouble looks to him. I would have thought he would be curious or surprise.

On the other hand, Evie is examining each picture. She patiently waiting for anything I have to say about them.

A sigh escapes Jacob's lips for a short second I look at him. His features haven't changed one bit. In the quietness, I can see there is something bothering him; however, I don't dare to ask him, "Urchins are the quicker source of information nowadays. They can recover and get information about almost anything. Clara'O Dea is the one that rally's them together"

I explain to them as they listen carefully. Evie is listening to me while Jacob is doing his own thing, "Children are a rare source of information. Older women and men see past them", a mutter comes out of Jacob's lips. Evie and I glance severely at Jacob Frye's form.

I would have thought the twin with information is Evie. It seems this surprises Evie as well. Jacob probably has no idea he is saying these things. His eyes are completely blank if he is thinking about some other thing. On the other hand, Evie is completely shocked at him.

I pushed the need to call out to Jacob. There must be a reason why he is acting this way. It's probably a twin thing in some way. I wouldn't like prying in their personal life isn't something I would like to do. They could handle whatever problem they have. They are the Frye Twins.

"Jacob?", Evie speaks up. I look at her as Jacob doesn't even answers, "Maybe, he hasn't had a good day of sleep". I pointed out while Evie thinks on it, "Now that you mention it. He hasn't sleep that well lately. Why do I have to remind him of everything?" She sighs heavily, a shake of her head not paying much attention to Jacob now.

A curl at the end of my right lip. Evie sighs heavily trying to ignore Jacob's behavior, "This is Frederick Abberline. He is our allied in the force. Also, I hear he is a Master in disguise". I explain to both twins as some way or another Jacob came out of his trance. He tried his best to look interested in anything I was saying; however, it was like he wasn't interested.

"Of course, here are some targets you might want to look into", A glance from Jacob as I showed a small paper. He was quicker than Evie taking them, "I'll get right on it" he blurts out, but Evie takes the paper back, "No, we need to meet the allies first then deal with this"

Jacob rolls his eyes. He sure wanted to get right to business; however, he didn't protest on Evie. A smile on my lips watching them discuss what to do next, "I am sure you will go right away. I'll not stop you any longer", Evie nodded my way as Jacob started walking out of the room, "I am sure you'll meet Kaylock's gang soon enough".

They nodded my way before heading to get their gears for their new assignment. When they left the room I look down to the two pictures on my hands.

Should I have let them meet this two? They are two of Rosaliana's finest men. I am aware they are still somewhere in London as I have seen Will many times. He became friends with a childish and reckless Templar Captain Boron.

The past seems to be coming back. I hope what's bringing back is good. I don't believe London can take another bad blow...

Let's hope the feeling I have.. is just a hoax.

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