Chapter 20. Unwanted Company

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A/N: The instrumental song was posted to youtube by Ubisoft Music UBILOUD - Music By Austin Wintory. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate.

It's call "Men Have Become Monsters". You should check it out~


I have never felt so sure about anything in my life before. This is the reason I was given this position in the first place not to rule, but to become a voice for the people of London. I have decided to be just that without a reason before; however, now I have more than one reason to do it. The Templars will curse the day they decided to cross me. I don't take that lightly. I might fall as a woman in their little perfect world, but I am so much more than that.

I have tried time and time again to be just like them; however, even I know that children are pure. They become cruel living in this world. The Templars haven't offer London prosperity. They have offered that within their ranks, not to the people.

I have been patience more times than I can count. I have been trying to push my duties past me; however, I am a Templar and their offense can't go unpunished. I'll punish those that have done the people wrong.

A breeze hit her petite skin warning her of the change of weather. It brought her out of the racing thoughts she had. The idea that the people she swore secrecy to had stabbed her on the back. When she wasn't looking at all, the idea of being betrayed hasn't sunk in yet. Those different people with the same title, but each of them having their own purpose. She should have been more careful. She is always careful. First, their betray then second, adopting those children.

What was going through my mind? They remind me of her.

I keep forgetting not everyone is my past. She is my past.

Why can't I let it go... Family.. they are family, and they shouldn't be left behind or forgotten.

There isn't any sound as she walks. She walks without a destination with the sinking emotions. They are surfacing to her features. They look trouble much more than usual. She is never an open book; however, today seems different that any other day. Why can't she forget the racing memories? Why does London look so similar to the past? Why does it keep remembering her of what she has lost? It comes and goes without any announcement.

She stops for a short second. A deep breath for the first time in so long. Everything stop for a short moment, she takes this time to see her surroundings. London will always be a fascinating place for her. It grows with wonder and beauty. It shows so many sides of one simple coin. Both sides can't live without the other. The rich can't live without the poor while the poor can't live without the rich. Some riches are enough to live, but some others are addictive enough to kill for them.

"Lady Rosaliana" she sighs heavily listening to her name. The dried tone in which her name was pronounced makes her regret turning around. There he was laying on a wall. He tried to look appealing, but there is no way he can manage that. She bows respectfully turning back around; however, her path was cut short by another man.

Great, I have to deal with him. Yes, I know him pretty well. I haven't pay much attention to his dying attempts to capture my attention. I really am not interested in the man. He is just a man. You can find men like him everywhere. No matter the continent, no matter the time period, and no matter the time. There are always men like him spread all over the globe. Men that believes a woman is lucky to catch their eye. Honestly, I feel lucky if he leaves my sight.

She sighs heavily holding back "What's the hurry? We could chat" She rolls her eyes at the man in front of her. He is cutting her path which is very irritating. She glares up at the man speaking to her. He chuckles at her glares "A pretty face like yours, shouldn't wear a look like that" She holds her knuckles white they turn as her anger wants to come out. Even if she wants to let go, to show them what pain really feels like. She takes a deep breath to collect herself before turning back to look at him.

I would really want to crush their skull on the pavement, but then again...

that's not really ladylike, is it? If I do that now I would have to kill innocents too. I can't do such a cruel thing to them. Take a deep breath Lady Rosaliana.

A smile lingers on her lips as sweet as she could manage. Her pink lips slightly press together. She holds back the words she wishes to speak. If she flips now, there is a probability they will die. The thought crosses her minds much more than it should "What is it, Boron? I have matters to attend too. I am a very busy person as you must know" She speaks in a hurry not because they are two of them.

She wants this over and done. She can think of a hundred things to do than to be standing in front of this man. He is the last person she thought could still be in London; however, she has been getting surprised this couple of days, so she shouldn't count him or anyone else out. It bothers her that from anyone she could stumble with. It had to be Captain Boron. Why couldn't it be Lucy or the dead body of Mr. Ferris.

She knows this to be some kind of trap because the only walkway is the alleyway. All the other path are cover by men. They are probably guards that work for Boron. Rosaliana walks past the man, and to her better judgment into the alleyway. She would prefer an open space than a lonely path. She has walked many, but this is childish of Boron. If he knew that an alleyway is the perfect place for her, she will be able to kill all of them without killing innocents. She couldn't have thought of a better option. She had keep control for a long time.

It's such a shame I have to break my oath now. I promised them I wouldn't. I would keep behaving and thinking just like a Templar; however, that oath is becoming harder and harder to keep.

She stops in my tracks. She glances up to the buildings between the alleyway. They hide the atrocities that will occur in a few minutes. There are some people that should never cross me, but they aren't alive to tell the tale. Rosaliana turns around seeing Boron and his man enter the alleyway "You have ignored all my letters, Rosaliana. It's Captain Boron now. I have been promoted to Captain" he speaks of all that he has done for London. He speaks of all the words he spills on the papers. He speaks of the words and his feelings. He wants to know something that I am not sure it exist in me.

Rosaliana watches Boron with boredom in her eyes. She fixes the cloak covering her long blonde hair. She really wishes to be somewhere else. Even in a Templar meeting than this "Captain Boron" Rosaliana rolls his name sharp with enough of it to dry out an ocean. He stops walking to glanced at her "How many times have I told you? 20 or 100? I am not interested in anything you have to tell me. You are and will always be beneath me" She speaks with a tone as cold as ice "If you die today, I wouldn't weep a single tear. You are as useless and disappointing as your father" This words might have hurt much than anything I have said before.

He needed a reality check. Glad, that I let that out there without trouble. He isn't much of a man anyways.

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