Chapter 4. The Rooks

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Nobody's POV.

London's Back Alley.

Evie Frye sigh relieves that the Templar's are gone "That was very close Jacob" Jacob wasn't looking at his sister. He was staring towards the streets of London.

"He saw us and didn't attack," Jacob says, shock shown on his features. Evie looks at him as if he has gone mad "You were probably dreaming that" She says walking towards the dark alley.

"I would have known, Dear Sister" Jacob says as he slowly walks along the path to catch up to Evie "How would you?" Evie asks looking behind her for just a second.

"They wouldn't leave alive." Jacob says as Evie sighs once more, "You are so reckless".

There was silence between both Frye Twin. Jacob was staring at everything. They said nothing until Evie Frye turns a street of another Alley "Now is not the time for tourism, Jacob" Jacob looks towards his sister.

"Now's the time to find Henry Green. I've always been the quicker climber, haven't I?" Evie got Jacob's attention. He walk towards his sister mocking a smile "Not since we were two" Jacob saw as Evie places her hoodie on.

Jacob does the same walking a little faster to catch up to her "Race you to the highest vantage point" Evie storm off running leaving Jacob confused for a second before he storms off after his sister.

"You're going to lose" scream Evie a block ahead of Jacob "Not on my watch!" Jacob screams his reply to his sister getting people out of the way as he approaches a tall building.

Evie disappeared from his side of vision. Jacob assumes she took the longer path to the vantage point. Jacob breaks a rope to impulsing himself on top of the tall red building.

He climbs the top walking to the other side. He sees Evie trying to climb the building next to the one he is a rope away. Jacob makes his way to the rope as he walks on it locking eyes with Evie.

Jacob sees as Evie speeds up towards the highest vantage point "I just won dear sister" Jacob says, with a cocky smile on his features. Jacob steps in the building admiring London as Evie just got there.

"You may be the better climber just because I didn't climb," says Evie catching her breath, she speeds up too fast when she saw her brother, Evie takes off her hoodie "I have always been better" repeats Jacob laughing it off.

When Evie catches her breath she walks up to her brother "Where is Mr. Green Shop located?" Evie says looking around; however, The Frye Twins miss to realize there is another person hide within the shadows.

"I have no idea, dear sister" Jacob answer as Evie stares at him annoyed "I am not asking you, dear brother," she says as Jacob just nods.

"Mr. Green Shop was marked on Father's Map...I just don't see it" Evie says staring at the beyond unsure of their next move. Jacob & Evie turn around realizing the person in front of them for the first time.

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