Chapter 27. Assignments

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A/N: I am so sorry for how long this has taken me. I can't seem decided the pov as I want to do them all. :)

but here it is <3



Rosaliana's POV.

Tuesday, October, 27th 1868.

"Do we agreed?", Rose spokes up as everyone nods. The RedBurst finish up changing into their Templar costumes. Everything from their black and red coat to their unhappy expressions. A sympathetic smile covered my lips, "RedBurst. You need to accompany Rose into Kaylock's territory while she speaks with him. You are to search nonstop; turn the place upside down if you have too. Don't let anything undiscovered". 

They nodded my way finishing up their outfits, "The rest of RedBurst will separate. One part will stay here in London helping Layla cover more ground; however, the ones left will go back into the forest. You'll come back in a two month times or when Rose goes get you. Stay aware that the blighters are out and searching for all of you". 

A part of them runs offs into small paddle boats. The London's sun it's at its highest signaling the afternoon. I glance back at Rose, "Go. You know what to do with Kaylock".

William was the first one to opposed, "Rexford is no friend of ours. We should blame his death on others then place our judgment on him. We don't want to grow unwanted suspicion".

William's words sink into my mind for a couple of seconds. I plan out once again on that time while Rose glares daggers at William. Rose has been wanting to kill Rexford Kaylock for a very long time. She lost her chance of Rupert Ferris; however, I did promise her that she will kill Kaylock. Rexford and Rose never got along very well.

"A Lethal dose, Rose. Before that remind him who he is dealing with. Do remember to give him a chance while alive and well. Be the last thing he sees before he dies, so fear is the last thing he comprehends",  Rose nods my way as William sighs heavily. He didn't like the idea at hand; however, I'm not going around pleasing anyone. I'm giving out to do list.

"Be home by d-", I was interrupted once again by an O'Brien. A deep breath left my lips as I wait for their words, "With all due respect, Lady Rosaliana. Do you believe Rose is the best option on this assignment?". I look up at none other than William O'Brien. Rose glares back at him without holding back anymore, "Say another word, O'Brien. The only think you'll see is my face while I shove the poison down your throat".

William stops himself from speaking another word. I glance between Rose to William than to Will O'Brien to Rose. Lady Fantasy is at a corner ignored the commotion. She is really good at ignoring her surroundings when she wants too. 

Deep down, I wish I was able to ignore this commotion. Should I let them kill each other? Well, it would give me something to laugh about for the rest of the day. It will pull back my plans to talk to Kaylock, and probably amused me too much. Should I put effort at knowing who the Grant Master Templar is? No. 

They'll die sooner or later. It won't make any difference if I get to know them. I should really pay attention in case William is already dead. I'll bet on Rose beating either Kaylock or William. It sounds like a new years resolution. 

I pay all of my undying attention to the group. Rose is almost shouting at William. He stands her ground, "We all know, you are careless". All eyes fall onto William. His tone was so sure of everything he was saying. I had to appreciate how stupid that remark was, "William that you don't see Rose do her work which she is a boss at. Doesn't mean she is bad and careless", I spoke out because I saw Rose taking out her thin metallic stick. 

They may look as inoffensive as her adorable features; however, those things carry poison. Something Rose is really good at. It's thin because is easy to carry around plus it's as sharp as a knife. It can easily be hidden away from the wandering eyes. She might seem as gentle as a Rose. Never judge the book by it's cover.

What it uncovers outside will traumatize you. There is nothing Rose can't get done for me. I am one lucky powerful woman. 

A smile lingers on my lips as Rose and the RedBurst dress as Templars leave. I glance at the O'Brien brothers, "You are staying at your post, Will". I inform him as he nods, "Gaining information from Templars is my specialty, my lass".

I roll my eyes at his failed imitation of a pirate. A glance at his brother, "She'll be alright, William. Rose is very good at what she does".

William looks at me with a look of worry, "Which is?", he asks me as I shake my head, "Murdering people. We have been doing this for many years, and now you realize this".

A chuckle left William's lips as he shakes his head, "No, I am just worried that she'll be careless".

"You'll stay at your post, William". He sighs heavily as my words reach his ears, "Can't I accompany, Rose? She'll be safer".

I roll my eyes at him, "Settle down, lover boy. You can keep an eye out with Will. Only to come out if she needs any kind of assistance". I remind them once again as they nod my way. They bow to me with a hand to their hearts. They took the rest of the RedBurst with them, "Take them to Layla".

"Yes, My lady", William shouts my way then disappears through the docks. I glance back at Lady Fantasy, "We'll need clear skies, my lady", I spoke to her as she looks up at me, "As you wish", were the last thing she says as the skies clear.

"Thank you", I watch the gray clouds dissipated, and the afternoon sun taking its place. 

A beautiful sight indeed. London will see this more often now.

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