Chapter 18. The House of Templars

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Flashback - a few month back.

"Lady Rosaliana!"

"Lady Rosaliana!!"

"Lady Rosaliana!!"

Rosaliana looks up towards the road. She pushes her hair back staring at children. They are running towards her direction. She waits as the young ones make it to her "Catch your breath" She tells the children looking back at her workers "In between sections take small breaks. Claara will prepare water for everyone then we will start once again" Rosaliana explains as the brown skin workers nodded her way "If it takes a week then be it, I'm not killing my workers because is taking too long" the brown skin workers smile at Lady Rosaliana.

"Lady Rosaliana!" She looks down at the children, their thick accent makes her stare "Yes? what's it?" She waits for them to continue "You told us to tell you when that mean white man was back!" They hurriedly told her all at the same time. Rosaliana looks up towards the path they came from. She looks behind her "You know my orders. If they come here shoot to kill" My Templar Guards nodded as they disperse around my farm goods. A terrible gut feeling told Lady Rosaliana to hurry towards her mansion. The children followed behind her as she ran towards it. Her work brown dress covered with dirt at the bottom.

She didn't care much about looking high-class in the 13-colonies. There was a lot of work to be done. She made friends with the poor people of this continent. They welcome her when she saves a good part of them. She saved them from the unfairness of some masters. She bought them from most people. The white men never gave them a chance. She gave them a chance. They treat her like their own. Even with her white skin and blonde hair. They used to call her golden locks because when the sun touch her hair it almost looked golden.

End of Flashback - present time.

Rosaliana stares out her carriage. A sigh escapes her lips as she looks at London "London seem to have changed since the first time I came" She speaks softly to Rose. Rosaliana glances towards Rose. She is seating next to the coachman window. Rose looks up from her templar uniform to stare at Rosaliana "That was a long time ago, Ms. Rosaliana. There were ships in London at that time, not trains" Rose slowly informs Lady Rosaliana "I am well aware, Rose. It feels that the people go in their daily life without noticing anything" Rosaliana slowly speaks sighing heavily.

"That's how is supposed to be. Their little minds cannot" Rose stops for a second, her eyes search for the right words. Rosaliana sighs as Rose continues "They will never understand the complexity of our work" Rose finishes keeping eye contact with Rosaliana. She looks out the window once again "Inform me when we are getting closer" Rosaliana tells Rose as her thoughts race once again.

Flashback continuation.

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