Chapter 24. Clues.

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Flashback - A few weeks after Chapter 14. 

Evie hasn't left Henry's shop as of late. She is putting her own clues together of the day she almost died. It hasn't left her dreams. She can hardly remember anything about the person that poison her. Only those deep green eyes haunt her dreams. She keeps seeing them everywhere in her dreams. She has tried to stay awake, but sleep is something she can't escape. 

She comes to a dead end. She was sure to remember later, right? Nothing has come to her as of late. The only thing bugging her more than anything in the world are those deep green eyes. It frightens her, but it gave her peace. She had something to lead herself through; however, it wasn't very easy to find just eyes. 

She couldn't pinpoint some other description. Evie sighs heavily looking at the wall she has been using to figured out her next move. She has come up with no clues. She feels her keen skills are lacking in this task. A sigh escapes Evie as she shakes her head, "Nothing. Nothing at all, not an idea, not even a physical description" 

Evie feels closer than ever to her target; however, there seems to be a blank space in her mind. She can't remember what exactly happen. She knows it was poison in the whiskey. She has the letter to prove it. She has the antidote. That's another dead end for her, "The results from a drop of the antidote are inconclusive"  A throat clears, Evie looks behind her to see Henry. 

He was standing by the door looking at Evie's wall work, "That's a marvelous sketch" Henry complements it. Evie couldn't help to chuckle at that, "Thank you"  Evie's eyes look back at the wall. She glares at the lack of clues or information in it. She is disappointed in it. There should be more than only 4 dots with only 2 having some little or no information. 

One has the sketch Evie made of the green eyes. She could recognize them anyways. The color was light green as London's forest. A rush of pure loneliness seems to swim in them. A cough once again takes Evie out of her thoughts. She has been doing that a lot as what happen a few days ago seems to cover Evie's memory. She is unable to control herself at all. She needs to control herself from drifting into her thoughts.

Evie gives her attention back to Henry. He smiles at her, "Have you gotten any closer to it?"  Henry asks Evie placing emphasis on 'it'. Evie looks at the wall once again "You are right in that. I don't know the gender of either of them" Henry watches as Evie speaks. She approaches the wall slowly "I thought – No, I was sure I would remember it. I would remember their genders or any information about what I am looking for" 

Henry listens to Evie. He doesn't know exactly what she is speaking off; however, he is happy to help nonetheless. Evie stops in front of the green eyes rough sketch. She glances quizzically at it while an idea rushes through, "That's it!" She rushes to Henry in the brief of excitement; she hugs Henry. He falls into a puzzle state "I should go to the place everything started. Thank you, Henry!" 

Evie moves back placing her coat and Assassin's weapon. She tries to work quick taking the letters and green eyes rough sketch. She can't believe how she didn't think of it before. It was right there, "You are a genius!" She shouts to Henry. He follows after her "Ms. Frye is already late for wherever you want to go. Wouldn't it be better to sleep first? You haven't had a good night of sleep since a lot"

Evie moves the curtains of the shop to the side. She notices Kaylock's gang roaming the streets. It wasn't a smart move from Evie to go out. It would be irresponsible of her. She fixes the curtains looking back at Henry, "Since when have they been this close?" she ask noticing a familiar emotion in Henry's eyes. He was troubled about something "Starrick increase security in London. One of my contacts inform me that someone threatened the House of Templars" 

A surprise 'ha' escapes Evie's lips, "How long have I been inside the room?" she asks confused on Henry's answer, Evie feels like only a few hours have gone by since she almost died. She hasn't told Jacob nor Henry about the incident. Evie tries to examine the expression in Henry's eyes, "At least 3 weeks now. You have passed out on the desk a couple of times"

That can't be, I swear it has only being a few hours. How have I let myself go this long? One task makes me forget about anything else. That can't be possible. A strong hand on my shoulders makes me look up, "Evie. You still have time," Evie sighs trying to stop her mind from racing, "I took the liberty to prepare a hot tub for you. You should do that then we can discuss your findings" 

Evie didn't protest Henry. She probably needed a bath. She mutters a quiet "Thank you" then head up the stairs to clean herself. She is calmer now that she has found a clue. 

End of Flashback.

"Are you sure this is the place, Evie?", Henry asked a question, but Evie is unable to respond. She is standing in front of the tavern. She was here 3 weeks ago. This is the tavern the snitch would come too; however, Evie can't believe her eyes.

"Are you alright, Evie?" A gentle shake of her shoulders is all it took. Evie looks up at Henry "How can this be?" She asks him once again. Henry sighs taking a crying Evie into a hug. He offers to ride alongside her in his carriage. They made it at noon; however, what they found wasn't reassuring. It destroys all hope of Evie's finding anything.

Henry looks back staring behind him. Where the tavern was supposed to be. In its place stand, a half destroy building. It looks old and let go off "What is going on... I was here three weeks ago. I am not crazy" 

"I believe you, Evie"

I am not crazy...

How can this be?

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