Chapter 19. We need to talk, Greenie.

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It has been a few days since I last saw the Frye Twins. They have become quiet and kept to themselves. Each searching for something in the silent streets of London. I don't dare to ask, but there is something troubling both of them, especially Evie.

She has taken over a section of my Curio's shop. She is searching for something or someone without a face. I have seen her standing in front of London's map. She is marking spots that don't mean much to me; however, they seem to have some deep meaning. I have yet to figured out what they mean.

She has asked for my help on a few occasions. I told her as much as I could. I have no idea what she was looking for. If she had told me the specifics I would be able to get information. I have seen her come and go without notice. She has seen not to take notice of anything else but this task at hand.

I am amazed by the passion she has given each mission. I have always watch curiously to know what she'll find. It seems really important to her. They have yet to meet my allies, but I am not sure if it's the right moment yet. Something must of grab their interest back when I ask that favor.

On the other hand, Jacob isn't planning ahead. He seems very upset lately. His mood hasn't increase whatsoever. He seems to be looking for something too. He has stayed out three days straight. I am surprised he is standing right now without falling asleep. There seem to be something keeping him awake all this time.

I catch him a few seconds ago before he left my shop. I have the need to ask him -- what he is looking for. It's giving me a curiosity rush. I may be intruding on his privacy, but it seems really important to him. They came to help London, so I want to give a helping hand in return.

A trouble aura follow Mr. Frye, he walks does short steps slowly. He didn't seem to be in a hurry, but I could see a distance in his eyes. It was clear he was thinking about something. It was clear he wants to find whatever is bothering him. He hasn't noticed me as his body stops walking at my desk. I put away my diary into my open cabinets. I close it giving Jacob my full attention.

There was no air coming into the Curio's shop. It has been rather warm this couple of days. Evie's frustrated sighs could be heard in the other room. She seems to have come to another dead end. Jacob and Evie have been working nonstop for whatever they are looking for. Jacob clears his throat gaining my attention once again "We need to talk, Greenie" I nod at Jacob's undefine tone. It gives the feeling of determination, or that he has found something.

I am looking at him "I feel that I have been looking in all the wrong places, Greenie" Jacob starts as he takes a paper out of his inner pocket. I watch as he unfolds the paper. He looks over it with frustration. He seems to want to decode by force. It seems something so easily it's giving Jacob a hard time. I wait for him to continue as his thoughts seem to wander off.

"I need specific spots in London, Locations, times, or anything" he quickly tells me, giving me the piece of paper. I nod once again glad that I could help "Sure thing, Jacob. Whatever I can do to take this trouble out of your shoulders" I reply just as quickly; however, my mind stops as I see the page. The petite features that can trick anyone. The Grim like personality with the emotionless expression. The shivers I get for watching this picture.

The drawing on the paper was not clear. Rose hates to be drawn on paper. She is simple in any way or form. There is a short description of where she is usually to what she wears. There are 4 words that describe her... Rose. I take recovered of my wondering eyes. My attention returns to Jacob as those my mind comes back to normal. I can't wander off through memory lane. Jacob waits for me to speak before saying anything. I sigh heavily not sure what to tell him.

I look up at him "Have you seen her?" I quickly ask him. If Jacob has seen her then the carriage I saw a few days ago. I wasn't imagining things then it was Rosaliana's carriage. Jacob's eyes become quickly distance. He seems to be thinking on an answer. I assume is not to disappoint me "I shouldn't of ask. You probably haven't found her yet" I quickly add, I didn't want to force him for an answer. It didn't seem right with his state.

"I am the bearer of bad news, Mr. Frye" I started giving him the paper once more "She only has that one spot. I haven't seen her in any other spot in all of London" I added quickly, I could bite my tongue with this lie. Jacob sighs taking the paper from my hand. He folds it once again placing it in his inner pocket "I'll head back to River Thames then" he whispers under his breath. I was able to listen to it. A gentle breeze comes into the shop as Jacob leaves.

Should I have told Mr. Frye the truth? I have seen Rose before one too many times; however, the only way Rose comes to town is with Rosaliana. She is hardly in town. If Rose is ever in town on her own free will, it will mean Rosaliana is close by.

I have waited 5 years for them. I have belief them to come back. I hope I am not wrong. It's all for the right cause. It worth a try if Jacob finds Rose... Rosaliana has return to London.

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