Chapter 10. The Start Of A New Family -- Part 1

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Official 4th Residence Of The Von Shrieder Family. On The Outskirts of London. A Top of A Small Hill.

 Miss Rosaliana's Study -- An hour after Rosaliana's return.

Miss Rosaliana was situated on the seat behind of her desk. She was reading the important letters 5 years ago till now. She wants to get to work right away as a sigh escapes her lips "London, Welcomes Me" Miss Rosaliana mutters as she returns reading a letter from Ms. Jefferson, she was an undercover spy that works for Ms. Von Shrieder. Ms. Jefferson post as a damsel in distress with a father that needed medical attention. She was very good looking for a woman in her 30th. Ms. Jefferson looks quite like a 24-year-old woman because of the care she has brought upon herself. Ms. Jefferson caught the eye of none other than Rupert Ferris. Ms. Jefferson became Rupert Ferris personal assistant in a matter of months. He was such a foolish men with a soft heart when it comes to women. Miss Rosaliana smiles as she stops at the 5th letter from Ms. Jefferson. She was informing Ms. Rosaliana everything and anything. She was being very detail about anything happening about Rupert Ferris. The fool talks more than a parrot; however, around people he trusts it was worse. Ms. Rosaliana will never understand how did Ms. Jefferson spend all that time listening to him.

It would be a mystery to her as Ms. Jefferson's letters don't have anything urgent. They only tell her of the moves the Templars have done. The number of children in Mr. Ferris Iron Works. How it breaks Ms. Jefferson's heart the way they have being treated. She wants Miss Rosaliana to come and save the children; however, Miss Rosaliana can't just go into Rupert Ferris Iron Works then take them. She needs to formulate a plan then watch all of it unfold before her eyes. She needs to be very cautious as Rupert Ferris is a major piece into the Grant Master Templar's chess game. If she goes as Ms. Von Shrieder or there is a rumor she makes him fall. It will bring attention to her that she doesn't need. That's why taking them down is as equal as playing a good chess game. If she places her moves right one way or the other one of them will end up falling. On her stay in London 10 years ago, she successfully Assassinated Jonathan Weller, he was known to do jobs for the Templars within his growing corporations. The brother's  Thomas & Wilson Thompson, they were a special kind of mess up. They were doing all the dirty work for every Templar Captain. It wasn't difficult for Miss Rosaliana to send one of her connection to enchanted them. It couldn't of have work better.

They were at a ball as a waitress hear them talking about their job. They wanted a place with a lot of women to let some steam off. The waitress left a white card one side has 'Burlesque: where all your dreams will come true' nice written in Italian. On the other side, a simple address both men look at each other than around; however, they were unable to find the waitress that serve them. The curiosity got the better of them as they went to this Burlesque. It was a setup made specially to assassinate them. It was everything they have ever dream off. The stupids told the Templars they will leave on a trip to the 13 colonies. Also, they give the power to the women who enchanted them. Miss Rosaliana would have never thought men were that foolish. They went into Burlesque; however, they never came out alive. They got exactly what they deserve murderer by the woman they torture. They never saw it coming. Miss Rosaliana smiles as she remembers the bodies of both men. They were brought secretly to Miss Rosaliana's mansion within a carriage of toys. Nobody would suspect a carriage of toys. As the Templar's believe both Thompson's brothers made it to their ship on record time; however, they weren't the Thompson's brothers.

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