Chapter 8. R.L.A.

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Nobody's POV.

Walking the streets of London -- On the way to Henry's Shop.

The Sun shining brightly through the space of buildings. 3 Assassins walking pass a small park between two apartment sections. Evie shakes her head as Henry answers Jacob's Question "In search of an Army, Starrick gathered up the nastiest of the Underworld" As they walk halfway in front of the small park, Evie saw children talking in it, somewhere just standing or sitting. She has a smile on her features "Some of the city's gangs tried to prevent it -- and were slaughtered for their efforts" Jacob nods towards Henry who was in front of him. Henry didn't stop walking he kept his head straight ahead in case a Blighter appear.

"Now, only Whitechapel's Clinkers & RedBurst Remain opposed" They passed by the rest of the park quietly as they walk by a group of people. Jacob & Evie were walking right behind Henry as Jacob ask "RedBurst? I have never heard of that gang name" Henry cracks a short laugh "They are not in the city anymore. They fled to the forest of London when their leader left London" Henry answer Jacob's question with a laugh between his words "without her -- they would have gotten consume by Starrick's madness" Evie & Jacob took it as 'her' was the mysterious girl Henry's being speaking about. He hasn't mentioned her name, but Evie knows 'her' made quite an impression on Henry.

"RedBurst, are probably still inside the Forest. They have known 5 years ago as keeping kid's out of the factory's & the Blighters in control." Jacob nods at everything Henry tells them as they approach a street. Evie eyes wide in awe's as she listens to Henry's words "As there is nobody to keep the Blighters in check. The Clinkers are no match for the Blighters alone" Henry tells them as his voice goes to a mere whisper. Jacob excitement can be obvious by his words "Well let's shine these Clinkers, shall we?" Jacob tells them as his tone is getting to Evie "They are just the sort we're looking for!" His determination makes Evie gives a heavy sigh "You can't be serious?" Evie asks him trying to control herself from mocking him again.

"Evie, they're ready to fight and oppose the Blighter" Jacob explains to her in desperation "It's now or never, dear sister! We shall safe, London." Jacob thinks to himself as he keeps explaining to Evie, his important reasons, as to why this is the best opportunity. Evie listens to his words barely "This is my chance to step in!" Jacob tells both Henry & Evie cheerfully as he smiles "Look out London, here come out the Rooks!" Jacob cheers loud & clear for half of London to listen. Henry starts running as Evie pass by Jacob running. She gives him a mocking laugh, he knew she didn't believe him or thought of him as a child, Jacob will show her that his idea is a reality.

He starts running right behind Evie. They start passing by people being careful not to bump into them. They didn't want to attract any more attention than Jacob has done. Evie would hope that they could make it to Henry's Shop without anything else happening. Jacob tries to pass Evie; however, she seems to speed up her feet for him not to be able too. A smile forms on Jacob's lips as he moves to the streets of London. He runs by Evie picking up his speed, he makes eye contact with her, as she rolls her eyes running behind Henry. Jacob runs in front of Evie as she stops abruptly as Henry does the same. Jacob stops a few steps ahead of Henry. Jacob ends up bumping into an old man around his 56 years of age. Jacob looks irritated as papers whom the old man was holding for dear life fly around.

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