Author's Note

33 2 4

Hello, Everyone!

The ending was overdue, but do not worry! The series will still be going. I am sorry for the long wait for chapters. I am trying to change that a ton, and I'll start with others books plus the new season of Twisted Creed. Yes, I will be posting chapters throughout the day. I just need to find the right picture or song. I am aware of what will happen in the first few chapters. Do not worry. I'll keep to my words.

Most of nobody knows the reason why I pull myself from writing. I'll write it here for all of you to know. I am not taking deep long breaks and doing basically nothing. I am actually grieving. I am sad to say that on February 3, 2017 my younger brother died. I am not sure how to deal with that honestly. I do find writing makes me forget about it for a while, so I am sticking to that. I am not going to give his name up because I don't want too. My closest friends do know this, and I am sorry for any emotional pain in the ass I have been xD.

Well, coming back to TC. 

Expect more updates or an understandable amount. 

Btw, your opinions, thoughts, and comments in each chapter do help me :). It's like a small encouragement. I hope you have a wonderful night as it's 2:15 am right now. I will sleep in a bit, but I wanted to have a few things done before that.

P.S: Yes, I am separating in parts that I call Seasons. The first Season of TC ended. I'll be posting the second season in the same book. I'll try it like that then I'll see :). 

<3 Love & Kisses.

All after this note is for Season 2 of Twisted Creed (Yes, it has its own name). The complete series is called Twisted Creed.

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