Chapter 16. Nightmares

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"Rosaliana..." A soft voice calls from a distance. In a room as dark as coal with no light except the burning of one lantern. Rosaliana moves towards the corner once again. She keeps her eyes on the target. A cold breeze swings by her. She shivers stopping on the spot "Rosaliana... where are you?" the voice calls for her once again. Lady Rosaliana holds back tears or words she wishes to tell. She is not sure this is the time. Rosaliana takes a deep breath. It was a dreadful, nor it was a scary sensation. She knows why the dream haunts her.

Lady Rosaliana crosses her arms around herself. She tries to keep warm as her body feels colder than usual. Rosaliana welcomes the silence. As long as her name isn't called. She is perfectly okay. She has passed through this dream so many times before. She doesn't want to deal with it. It tortures her every time. She has failed to achieve redemption. If there was a way for her to fix her sins "Rosaliana... where have you gone?" The voice asks again, making Rosaliana remember her situation. She sighs heavily closing her eyes.

She slowly turns her whole body around. She waits and waits for her end; however, nothing happens to her. The ice cold breeze moves away from Rosaliana. She is thankful for this. She could hardly stand it. It felt so real. She is conscious that this is not real; however, her body says otherwise. Rosaliana sighs knowing her fate "Snap out of it! You have seen this dream for a while now. Why are you so afraid?" Rosaliana thinks to herself. Rosaliana tries to let herself know this is okay. She feels as her cheeks become wet. Rosaliana places a hand to her mouth as more tears rush forth.

The emotions within betrayed her. She slowly falls to the floor while her body trembles. She weeps much more than she thought she could. She thought could last few more years before breaking down. It seems fate has other plans for her. Rosaliana opens her eyes as she recognizes the floor. She traces her fingers on it, gray stone floors with very detail hand made symbols within. She looks up seeing a figure in the middle of the room. Rosaliana's breath was stuck in her throat. She kneels trying to stand up. She somehow manages it through her trembling form.

She didn't care about the dark of the room. She didn't care about the voice. The figure... that's her. Rosaliana rushes to her. She tries to run to her to be by her side. She has to make it now. Rosaliana sprints and jumps through the obstacles on her way. Rosaliana jumps one last time landing on the next edge barely. She hits her head on the floor looking up. She sees her crying once again. She tries to crawl stopping as the floor beneath her breaks. Rosaliana tries to stand once again; however, her body protest as she falls to the floor. Her legs give in. She is unable to make it.

"AAAHHH!!!" An angry punch is thrown onto the floor. Rosaliana arms lay down angrily. She cries feeling helpless. She is unable to do anything. A crack brought Rosaliana to look up. She looks up welcoming her demise. She looks at her without receiving a look back. The floor beneath Rosaliana slowly breaks "It's nice to see you again. Even if this is only a make-believe of my mind. I know, I lost you" Rosaliana informs her then her body falls. A crack sound fills the empty room as Rosaliana's head makes contact with the stone floors.

Lady Rosaliana is unable to move. She looks as the residue stones fall all around her. She hasn't stopped crying. She slowly with difficulty moves her right hand to her face. A red liquid cover her hands "I made the wrong decision again" Rosaliana mutters. The impact of the stone falling on her is enough to wake her from this nightmare.

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