Chapter 23. Intrigued by you

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A cool breeze rushes by my cheeks. My top hat covering the shades of the afternoon sun. I finished up Greenie's favors this morning. It has been a month since I found My Mystery Girl. It has been easier to find her as she stops by this street all the time. She tries ignoring me, but I am probably growing on her by now. 

A smile rolls up my lips as I listen to footsteps "You have got to be kidding me" I move my top hat from my face. There she was as glowing as ever. I enjoy for a few seconds her features. Her brows were not knitted together. I have noticed she keeps calm features while upset or angry. She doesn't seem to change features very often. I step back from the comfort of the wall. 

"Lady Rosaliana" A hand to my heart bowing respectfully. When I look up she wasn't standing in front of me anymore. My face is washed with confusion "She keeps doing that all the time" I blurt out catching a glimpse of blonde hair in London's crowd. My feet guide me through the crowd as I make sure to hide from Blighters. 

I am not really interested in starting a fight this afternoon. I am busy with the task at hand. She keeps ignoring me like if I am another one of her admirers; however, I am not. I am much better than all of them combine. I am Jacob Frye. I can get her. I believe so that I can.

I quickly catch up to her. She tries to ignore my existence by doing her usual routine. She talks to the people on different stores without a problem. It's impressive to see as some try to give her food or object. A smile forms on her lips as she sweetly rejects them "You are always so humble, Lady Rosaliana" they have always replied to her. I keep walking right next to her along the streets of London. People smile at her as she walks past them. Even if she has no business with them, she stops to talk to them or she is smiling their way. 

She keeps ignoring me nonetheless is not stopping me. I have a smile plaster on my lips. Rosaliana stops in a small park between two buildings. I watch as she is swarm by children of all sizes and forms. She genuinely smiles to them. I am very surprised because these children weren't here a minute ago. They came out of their hideout inside London. It's hard to believe they came out just because they saw her; however, I shouldn't be surprised.   

I have dealt with Rosaliana for a month, and I learn to get used to her ways. She hasn't given in to me yet or speak a word at all, but I am very persistent. I shouldn't be surprised because she seems to be known by the poorest people in London. She has given people money, and they have tried to give her things to pay it back. She doesn't accept it. She is one woman that I have seen apart of Evie that doesn't take what others offer. She seems different to Evie in many ways. Evie doesn't have blonde hair or Rosaliana's caring features. At least, I believe that's what she shows care. 

"How have you been?" I stare at her as she kneels down to their level. She treats them as an equal. The children stop trying to push each other "Will you stay, Ms. Rosaliana?" A young girl couldn't be older than 8. It pains me to see them this way. Their clothes are broken while their faces are dirty. Rosaliana doesn't seem to mind as she caresses their cheeks. I walk around the park never taking my eyes of Rosaliana. I recognize a light of sadness in her eyes. I catch the eye patch on one of her eyes. She shows the blue one.

I am sure everyone has seen her two different eye colors. I don't understand why she hides them. They look breathtaking. It's something I have never seen before, and it's very interesting. Rosaliana smiles at that little girl, "I'll stay for the time being. London needs us" A smile forms on the children's lips. They cheer with happiness at her words. She spoke simple words, truthful words. The young girl looks to the right of Rosaliana. I was glancing at Rosaliana for a very long time. I didn't notice the young girl was looking right at me, "Will he help you?"

She makes contact with my eyes. That specific moment I walk closer to the young ones. Rosaliana watches my every step. A charming smile plasters on my lips while I kneel in front of the children. Rosaliana rolls her eyes right after I smile "I'll do everything in my power to save, London" A hand to my heart, bowing my head to them. It was a simple gesture. 

Children are the future of London. They should be respected as such. Rosaliana and I have things in common. One of them being saving London. She cares for those that need help. I find that very noble of her. She is humble in a very strange way. Even if she is of high class, she doesn't mind getting her dress a little dirty. A month past, she is still surprising me.

"He won't stay for long. Are you, Mr. Frye?" I didn't need to be a detective to figure out. Rosaliana is upset. The tone made me avoid looking at her. Her glares were making holes on my face. I sigh heavily not sure why she is so angry. I was just stating the truth "Of course, I shall. Last time I check, I am keeping you safe, my lady" 

Our eyes meet again, I have a grin on my lips. Rosaliana's mouth was shortly parted. She wants to say something, but she stops herself. She stands up as I look up at her "Run along" Rosaliana takes her eyes off of me. Before she looks at the children, she rolls her eyes as usual. Some of the children run into the alleyway; however, the young ones stay behind. They are waiting for something "Stay off the streets. Templars are looking for children. Don't get caught. Red and Black is bad colors" I am amazed as she speaks to them this way. The young ones nod running off into the alleyways. 

When they weren't able to be seen, I stand up feeling really good about myself. It all goes crashing down "Why couldn't you keep your mouth shut, Mr. Frye?" My blue orbs stare at Rosaliana's angry features. It wasn't that major. Her cheeks look a bit redder, and her pale complexion doesn't help. The sun shines onto her making her look so much like a fallen angel. If you discard the fact that, I somehow screwed up. She is snapping at me. At least, this is a start from not directly speaking to me for a month. 

"A young girl ask me a question, Rosaliana. I am not going to ignored that" I defend myself from her snappiness, "I am not like you, Rosaliana. I can't freely ignore people" She intensively glares at me. I glare back getting a bit irritated by her behavior. I thought that would be it, but my curiosity got the better of me. I felt the need to ask her "Let me help you, Rosaliana. Let me help you to save London" my words speak the eagerness I got. 

I want to free London. I want to give London back to the people. Rosaliana is formidable, but nobody can save a city alone.

 My feet guide me closer to Rosaliana. I open my hands trying to draw an imaginary map. It was worth a shot, "Let me be a helping h-" I am interrupted by her. She gives me a simple "No" no emotions what so ever. I gulp down staring at her for only a second. I thought I saw the look of someone who has killed many. I must have imagined it. I sigh heavily staring right at her "Why? You can't save London alone" I tried it again because I have too.

"Watch me," She says, indifferent to everything I have said. She moves to leave the park; however, our conversation wasn't done. I hold her hand holding her back from leaving "No! What you are attempting is suicide, Rosaliana. Going a-" I stop myself from saying anything else as she laughs at my words, "It's far that I stop you right there, Mr. Frye. I don't work with your kind. I won't make such mistake twice"

Does she mean Greenie?

She looks back at me "London doesn't need a miracle or a savior. London needs protection. I'm sure that's something you could never give anyone. The assurance of safety" I am unable to speak not because of her words. The look on her features shocks me. Rosaliana quickly walks out of the small park. I just watch her leave not sure what to do.

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